SWAG, CAASA gift backpacks to 4th and 5th graders
By Canton CitizenThe Canton High School Student Wellness Advisory Group (SWAG) and Canton Alliance Against Substance Abuse (CAASA) are excited to announce a backpack giveaway for Canton fourth and fifth graders.
Thanks to funding through CAASA, every CPS student in grades four and five are eligible to receive a free Adidas backpack before the start of the school year. The backpacks feature the Canton “C” and CAASA logos, and they contain materials to support students’ overall wellbeing and social-emotional health.
Families can pick up their free backpack on either Monday or Tuesday, August 30 or 31, between the hours of 3:30 and 5 p.m. in front of the Rodman building. Members of SWAG volunteered to stuff the bags and they will be on hand to assist with the distribution as well.
SWAG serves as the student partner for the Canton Public Schools’ Wellness Department, with the purpose to explore, educate, and improve the overall wellness and social-emotional learning of CPS students. SWAG has partnered with CAASA, a local coalition aimed at reducing the use of drugs and alcohol in the community by encouraging healthy decision-making among youth and providing resources that address prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery throughout the lifespan. For the backpack project, the fourth and fifth grade students were chosen because these age groups are in formative years around one’s overall health and decision-making.
Families who are unable to attend one of the pick-up dates can contact Ryan Gordy, CPS wellness coordinator, at gordyr@cantonma.org to schedule an individual pickup appointment.
Short URL: https://www.thecantoncitizen.com/?p=76309