Rep. Bill Galvin announces candidacy for reelection


Submitted by the Galvin Campaign

State Representative Bill Galvin (D-Canton) has announced his candidacy for re-election for the 6th Norfolk District seat. Rep. Galvin is a lifelong Canton resident and a proud graduate of Canton High School. After graduation, he joined the family insurance business, which was founded by his grandfather in Canton in 1925. Wanting to give back to his community, he became a library trustee and an assessor for the town of Canton.

Rep. Bill Galvin

He took his experience in local government with him to Beacon Hill when he was elected state representative. During his time in the legislature, Rep. Galvin has chaired the House Rules Committee and the House Committee on Personnel and Administration. He was previously the vice-chair of the Committee on Children and Families, vice-chair of the Committee on Financial Services, a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, a member of the Transportation Committee, and a member of the Committee on the Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture.

As a product of the Canton Public Schools, Rep. Galvin is a strong supporter and advocate for our public schools. As state representative, he voted for the most comprehensive education legislation in a generation — the Student Opportunity Act, which will invest over a billion dollars in schools across the state, targeting areas that are most in need of improvement and ensuring every student in Massachusetts receives a high-quality education. Rep. Galvin has also co-sponsored legislation this session that would expand early education opportunities and make early education more affordable. Such legislation would not only give youngsters the tools they need to excel in elementary school and beyond, but also seeks to eliminate the burden of high childcare costs for working families. Additionally, Rep. Galvin has supported increased funding for higher education institutions and has used his voice in the legislature to advocate for better pay and support for early educators and adjunct college faculty.

Rep. Galvin understands the challenges of being a local business owner as co-owner of the family business and knows the important role small businesses have in our local and regional economy. Rep. Galvin serves on the board of directors of the Canton Association of Business and Industry (CABI) because he values the business community. During this legislative session, he has co-sponsored legislation to expand training opportunities, improve protections for small businesses, and ensure workers are treated and paid fairly. Further, as state representative, he supported initiatives to aid and assist the small business community in rebuilding in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The representative has a strong record when it comes to climate change and has supported numerous bills to curb the destruction of our environment. Rep. Galvin voted for an omnibus bill, which became law, that commits Massachusetts to be carbon neutral by 2050 and establishes policies to aid environmental justice communities. The representative has co-sponsored legislation this session that would require Massachusetts to use clean energy by 2035 and would assist residents with funds to help transition to electric vehicles. Other bills he supports address drought, pesticide use, clean energy workforce standards, and animal welfare.

Securing state funds for the district continues to be a priority for Rep. Galvin. Over the past few years, he has successfully obtained state funding for the Metropolis Rink, Tilden House preservation, Canton’s Community Paramedic, and road improvement funds. He also filed and shepherded legislation that allowed for the establishment of the Paul Revere Heritage Site. As the state representative of the 6th Norfolk District, Bill Galvin has a proven track record of delivering for his district that is unmatched.

Over the last few years there have been numerous legislative successes to address climate change, make voting more convenient, close the opportunity gap in schools, aid businesses during the pandemic, raise the minimum wage, and implement paid sick leave and family leave. Despite this progress, there is still much to be done. Rep. Galvin looks forward to continuing to fight for his constituents. He also continues to find that the cornerstone of his work on Beacon Hill is constituent services and encourages residents to contact him if they need assistance or have any questions.

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