Canton environmental group endorses Tamisha Civil
By Canton CitizenDear Editor:
Canton Residents for a Sustainable Equitable Future (CR4SEF) is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit addressing the accelerating climate crisis locally and state-wide through education and action. CR4SEF’s board, representing 200-plus members, enthusiastically endorses Tamisha Civil for state representative for the 6th Norfolk District. We believe she can carry out her bold climate agenda as demonstrated by her engagement in climate change solutions in Canton and statewide.
Since January 2021, Tamisha has been part of CR4SEF’s board of directors. She joined advocacy calls with state representatives to request their co-sponsoring and passage of bill HD3679, SD1418 (Integrating Climate, Public Health, and Environmental Justice in Siting Decisions). She mobilized Canton residents to pass Article 30 during the 2021 annual town hall, enabling the town to develop a Municipal Energy Aggregation (MEA) program. She helped organize Canton’s 2022 Earth Day event in partnership with Mass Audubon.
If elected, we are confident she will sponsor bills that rapidly advance environmental justice and decrease emissions. She is committed to necessary large-scale changes to our energy system, and creating thousands of unionized, clean energy jobs.
The CR4SEF board requests your vote for Tamisha Civil during early voting (through September 2) or on Election Day on Tuesday, September 6.
Dana Del Vecchio
CR4SEF Board Member
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