Select Board chair backs Rep. Galvin
By Canton CitizenDear Editor:
I am writing to support the re-election of state Representative William Galvin. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing and working with Bill Galvin over the past 30 years. I speak with Bill or his office several times a month if not more. Bill always returns calls, emails, or texts, no matter the time of day, weekends, vacations and holidays included.
When the DCR said they would not rebuild the Metropolis Rink in 2015 and would rather make it a parking lot for the golf course, Rep. Galvin met with Governor Baker and was able to secure a commitment that the rink would be rebuilt along with securing $2.5 million in funding. When MassDOT wouldn’t fund the Dedham Street project, Bill Galvin met with the secretary of transportation and explained the importance of the project and was able to get the project fully funded, thus paving the way for TopGolf’s commitment to come to Canton, which will bring $800,000 in tax revenue, 200 to 300 full- and part-time jobs, not to mention tearing down the dilapidated Cumberland Farms site. I have personally worked with Rep. Galvin on constituent issues, problems and concerns. Bill and his office are incredibly responsive working with residents and with other state agencies.
Bill Galvin not only talks the talk, but he also walks the walk. Bill Galvin is very visible. The taxpayers of Canton need to have a state representative who needs no on-the-job training. Bill Galvin has made Canton a better place to live, work and play. I’m proud and honored to support the re-election of state Representative Bill Galvin. It’s in the best interest for the town of Canton.
John J. Connolly
Chair, Canton Select Board
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