MSBA sends Galvin project onto feasibility phase
By Mike Berger
With MSBA funding support, Canton hopes to either fully renovate or build a new Galvin Middle School. (CPS photo)
Canton school leaders’ dream of renovating or possibly rebuilding the Galvin Middle School — a centerpiece of the district’s long-range master plan — is now one step closer to becoming a reality following yet another affirmative vote by the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA).
In clearing this latest hurdle, the Canton school district is now set to enter the agency’s feasibility phase — a roughly two-year period during which local officials will collaborate with the MSBA to select a project manager and a design firm in order to document the educational programming, generate an initial space summary, document existing conditions, establish design parameters, develop and evaluate alternatives, and recommend the most cost-effective and educationally appropriate solution for Canton’s middle school of the future.
The town has already committed $1.5 million for the feasibility study through a previous town meeting appropriation.
“We are thrilled to continue to move forward in the MSBA process; this is great news for Canton and the school community,” said School Superintendent Derek Folan in a statement released after last week’s MSBA board of directors meeting. “We are extremely grateful for the continued support from the Canton community and the strong partnership with the MSBA.”
A quasi-independent government authority, the MSBA offers millions annually in reimbursement funding as well as technical assistance to help Massachusetts communities build affordable, sustainable, and energy efficient schools. The application process is highly competitive, with school districts sometimes waiting years before being considered for funding.
For the GMS project, Canton filed its first Statement of Interest (SOI) with the MSBA in 2018 and reapplied three times before finally securing an invitation to the agency’s senior study program last fall. As a result of that study, which entailed a virtual meeting with MSBA leaders followed by an in-person tour of the building, Canton then advanced to the 270-day eligibility period, during which the district completed several preliminary requirements, including submitting forms and data on current and proposed educational facilities, maintenance practices, teaching methodology, grade configurations and program offerings.
On October 26, with more than a month to spare in the eligibility period, the MSBA board voted unanimously to welcome Canton into the feasibility phase.
In a press statement, Folan thanked State Treasurer and MSBA Chair Deb Goldberg, MSBA Executive Director Jack McCarthy and the MSBA team for “all they do for districts, ensuring our students, families and educators have a high-quality facility for high-quality teaching and learning.”
“Funding for these projects is highly competitive,” he said, “and to be chosen to enter this next phase reflects not only the great need that exists for this project but also the hard work of so many individuals whose passion and dedication for CPS is unwavering.”
The current Galvin Middle School building is over 50 years old and has space and infrastructure issues — underscored by the occurrence of two water main breaks in the fall of 2021 — and according to district leaders it is “not configured in a way that lends itself to the full implementation of the district’s educational vision.”
In its 2021 Statement of Interest, chiefly authored by Assistant Superintendent Sarah Shannon, the district noted three priorities of the proposed GMS rebuild: eliminating severe overcrowding; replacing, renovating or modernizing school facility systems to increase energy conservation and decrease energy costs; and replacing or adding onto an obsolete building in order to provide for a full range of programs consistent with state and local requirements.
A copy of the full SOI can be found at
In addition to completing all of the MSBA’s preliminary reporting requirements, the school district has also formed a School Building Committee, which will be discussed in more detail at the November 2 School Committee meeting.
In a press statement, School Committee Chair Kristian Merenda said the GMS project represents the “culmination and continuation of many years of work by state and local officials, Canton School Committee members, administrative leadership, staff and families.”
“A new Galvin will allow us to offer the safest and most modern, inclusive learning environment for our middle schoolers,” Merenda said. “We are well-prepared and are thrilled to be moving ahead to bring this incredible asset to our thriving town.”
“The Galvin Middle School MSBA building project is a terrific example of our district’s continued, tireless efforts to be ‘Champions of Excellence’ through creating a culture of achievement, equity, inspiration and joy for all students in our community,” Merenda added.
Folan, Merenda and the rest of the School Committee thanked other town officials, district school staff, students, families and Town Administrator Charles Doody for their continued support of the GMS project. Also lending support for the project were state Rep. Bill Galvin and state senators Walter Timilty and Paul Feeney.
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