Canton Writes 2023 Winners
By Canton CitizenCanton Writes, the annual town-wide writing contest sponsored by the Friends of the Canton Public Library and the Canton Citizen, is pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 contest. Winning entries were published in the Citizen throughout the summer.
Elementary K-2: “Scissors” by Ilsa Fernsten
Elementary 3-5: “The Fire Whispered” by Daksh Nayak
Middle School: “Definition Refugee” by Alexis Priselac
High School: “4:14 a.m.” by Ceylin Uysal-Post
Adult: “The Sun Is a Woman” by Kate Devine
Short Story
Elementary K-2: “The Day Judy Started a Food Fight” by Natalie Palid
Elementary 3-5: “The Scream I’ll Never Forget” by Ella Guarnotta
Middle School: “Last Two on Earth” by Danny DeLuca
High School: “Unknown Past” by Charlotte Clyve
Adult: “A Song to Stick Around For” by Abby Nelson
Elementary K-2: “Feelings” by Penny Stuart
Elementary 3-5: “My Sleepover!” by Amelia Yandek
High School: “Question: How Do I Stop Panic Attacks?” by Jaden Lam
Adult: “POP!” by Abby Nelson
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