Select Board needs to step up or step aside
By GuestDear Editor:
From 2002 to 2017, I had the privilege of serving on the Canton Planning Board. I can’t begin to imagine the number of public hearings I sat through relative to zoning articles, subdivisions, special permits, Chapter 40B (affordable housing), and scenic ways. Many of these hearings were extremely contentious, with citizens showing up to passionately provide public comment. Many citizens showed up and vocalized their frustration and anger with the board, even on issues where the board’s hands were tied due to regulations and state statutes.
One thing we never did was restrict the rights of citizens to be heard on matters before the board regardless of the severity of the issue. If someone wanted to show their frustration about a tree, we gave them some time to vent. Why? Because that was our job as elected officials. We signed up for the job!
There is one word that comes to mind to describe the authoritarian actions of silencing the citizens of Canton by their elected officials: cowardly. The members of the Select Board are showing that not only are they void of the leadership skills to navigate the town out of these extremely troubling times, but they have now shown that their judgment skills are severely lacking.
It’s time for the Select Board to step up and lead or resign en masse so Canton can begin the process of repairing the damage done by those entrusted with the management of its government.
Jeremy Comeau
Former Canton resident and Planning Board chair
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