St. Oscar Romero Parish to honor namesake


The Peace Abbey, a non-sectarian-based organization committed to pacifism and non-violence, has donated a bust of St. Oscar Romero and a grandfather clock to the Canton parish that was commissioned in his honor. St. Oscar Romero (1917-1980), a modern martyr and saint, is held in high regard by the organization, and his name and likeness are included in their Peace Memorial Park in Sherborn.

Bust of St. Oscar Romero

On Saturday, June 8, at 5 p.m., members of the Peace Abbey will formally present the gifts to the St. Oscar Romero Parish community. Lewis Randa, executive director, will share their organization’s history with St. Oscar Romero.

The event will also include remarks from Congressman James P. McGovern of Worcester (MA 2nd District), who, while working on the staff of the late Congressman Joe Moakley, led a House task force to investigate the 1989 assassination of six Jesuit priests by the Salvadoran military. McGovern, who has traveled frequently to El Salvador, will speak about the environment in which St. Oscar Romero ministered and reflect on his legacy.

This non-sectarian event is open to all interested parties. Light refreshments will be served immediately following the presentation in the Mary Garden, adjacent to the church.

Canton’s St. Oscar Romero Parish is located at 700 Washington Street and was renamed in 2021 in honor of the late Central American archbishop and human rights champion.

To learn more about the Peace Abbey and the work it is doing to support humanitarian efforts in El Salvador, go to

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