School Dept. seeks independent review of finances


The Canton School Committee plans to call a special Zoom meeting on June 26 to authorize the new director of finance and operations to begin the procurement process for a comprehensive, independent review of the School Department’s finances.

At their meeting last Thursday, June 6, committee members voiced concern about the factors that led to a deficit in the current fiscal year budget ending June 30 and a possible deficit in FY25. (Current projections for next year range from a surplus of around $218,000 to a deficit of $1.38 million depending on replenishment of the town’s Special Education Reserve Fund.)

School Committee member Maureen Moran led the charge for the review, inquiring about what led to the large deficit in this year’s budget, which was projected as high as $11.1 million before the use of offsets, including state circuit breaker funding, grants, and more than $3 million from the Special Education Reserve Fund. With all offsets applied, the deficit has been reduced to a much more manageable amount of $424,619.

School Superintendent Derek Folan said the main culprit was a dramatic and sudden rise in special education tuition and transportation costs. He said more state aid, especially for special education, could help the town in next year’s budget. But until then, he has frozen the additional spending for next year’s budget, including hiring replacements for Assistant Superintendent Sarah Shannon, who is leaving the district to become superintendent in Cohasset, and former PreK-5 Assistant Student Services Director Sarah Shaw, who was recently promoted to CPS director of student services.

Folan said he will continue with searches for a new director of food services and Rodman early childhood coordinator following the retirements of Martha Lawless and Donna Kilday.

The Zoom session will begin at 7 p.m. on June 26 following the conclusion of the Galvin Middle School Building Committee meeting. The Zoom meeting is being held remotely because several School Committee members will be out of town.

The committee wanted to give Brian Lynch, the new assistant superintendent of finance and operations, more time to settle in and have his input into the current and future deficit. Lynch began his new position on May 31.

Supt. earns high marks on summative evaluation

Folan received high marks from the School Committee in his end-of-cycle summative evaluation for his performance as superintendent of schools, earning an overall rating of “proficient” based on his performance on specific standards and progress made toward goals.

The report noted that he met his professional practice and student learning goals and made “significant progress” on his district improvement goals. He also received “proficient” ratings on instructional leadership, management and operations, family and community engagement, and professional culture. Listed as strengths were his visibility, his respect within the community, his tireless advocacy for students and the broader community, and his commitment to continuous improvement.

Folan was also commended for fostering a culture of achievement, equity and joy; embracing opportunities for improvement; learning from his experiences; and collaborating well with others. Committee members noted that Folan made significant progress in professional development, communication and reducing disciplinary disparities.

A full copy of the superintendent’s evaluation can be found under the June 6 meeting materials link at

See this week’s Citizen to continue reading and for more highlights from the June 6 School Committee meeting. Click here to order your subscription today.

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