Police chief’s contract in focus as residents pack SB meeting


Residents packed the June 11 Select Board meeting to hear the latest on the police chief’s contract situation. (CCTV photo)

Select Board Chair Mike Loughran said this week that he could not comment on the contractual status of Police Chief Helena Rafferty but said if no decision is made by the date of expiration (June 30), then the current contract would remain in effect until the board makes its decision. Any new contract terms would be applied retractive to July 1.

On both Monday and Tuesday of this week, several residents stood outside Town Hall with signs expressing their opinion on the chief’s contract. A number of residents also attended Tuesday night’s Select Board meeting, and those who spoke during the public comment period had mixed feelings on the subject. Some residents said the town urgently needs new leadership on the police force and that serious mistakes were made in the death investigation of John O’Keefe. Others felt that Rafferty should not be blamed for the investigation.

Resident Tara Shuman said the Select Board should indicate to the public what criteria will be used to determine if a contract extension should be approved and that the board needs to publicly state who is in charge of the Police Department on a day-to-day basis. Shuman said her interpretation after reading the current contract is that it is the responsibility of the town administrator.

Loughran opened the meeting by allowing 15 minutes for public comment, and he held firm to the three-minute time limit for each speaker while warning that any people yelling at him would be ruled out of order. Loughran said residents can still submit their comments to the board in writing or speak to board members directly at their next monthly office hours on Tuesday, June 18, from 5-7 p.m. at Town Hall. Loughran said after the meeting that the 15-minute public comment period will continue to be held at the beginning of each open session.

To view the footage of Tuesday night’s meeting, including the public comment period, go to cantoncommunitytv.org.

In other news from Tuesday’s meeting:

* Town Moderator Dick Staiti has notified Town Administrator Charles Doody that he has received enough applications to fill the five at-large seats on the Government Modernization Committee and no further applications will be considered. Staiti hopes …

See this week’s Citizen to continue reading and for more highlights from the June 11 Select Board meeting. Click here to order your subscription today.

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