GMS students investigate impact of car idling


For their end-of-year Civics Action project, a team of eighth grade students at the Galvin Middle School chose to investigate the issue of car idling in an effort to make an environmental change in their community.

The students, Andrew Factor, Oliver Scully and Tyler Pappas, learned that idling vehicles — those that leave the engine running while the car is not in motion — release harmful chemicals, gasses and particle pollution (“soot”) into the air, contributing to ozone deterioration, regional haze, and global climate change.

They determined that idling is a recurring problem outside the Galvin Middle School during student pickup and drop-off. After brainstorming different ways to make a change in the GMS parking lot, the students came up with an adjustment to the pickup and drop-off routines so cars spend less time idling, thereby reducing the amount of pollution released into the air.

The students presented their project at the GMS Civics Action Showcase on June 6 and hope to bring greater awareness to this issue affecting the Canton community.

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