Beauty of the Blue Hills


“Falling Water,” a previous contest entry by Canton resident Will Mann

Submissions are now being accepted for the Friends of the Blue Hills’ annual photo contest. Contestants are welcome to submit up to five photos at no cost that were taken in the Blue Hills — showcasing why so many people love this natural gem right in our backyard.

Anyone who enters will be eligible to win one of four prizes (provided Patagonia Cambridge and Page + Waterman Gallery), with one going to the popular vote winner, one to the judges’ choice winner, and two subject category winners for the judges’ favorites depicting “What Lives in the Blue Hills” (plants, animals, insects) and “Who Visits the Blue Hills” (showcasing park visitors and the activities they enjoy).

The deadline for entering this year’s contest is Thursday, August 15, at 5 p.m. Voting begins August 1 and continues until 5 p.m. on Sunday, September 1.

For a list of contest rules and terms, go to

More past entries by Canton residents were featured in the July 3 issue of the Citizen. Click here to order your subscription today.

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