Select Board certifies former St. Gerard’s Church as new voting location


Massachusetts Elections Division officials visited the former St. Gerard’s Church property at 1860 Washington Street on Tuesday and certified it as a new polling location for elections starting with the State Primary on Tuesday, September 3.

Meeting in a remote session at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, the Canton Select Board voted unanimously to approve the new voting center, which replaces the Kennedy Elementary School. Impacted residents are those who reside in precincts 4 and 5, which include portions of Neponset and Champman streets, Cedarcrest Road, Dedham Street, and the Algonquin, Ponkapoag, and Green Lodge Street neighborhoods.

Doody said it was imperative for the Select Board to meet and certify the vote as quickly as possible in order to give Town Clerk Tracy Kennedy enough time to notify residents and prepare for the September 3 primary.

Over the past few months, the town has spent money to create new handicapped parking spots in front of the church property while also upgrading the walkways to the building from the rear parking lot and improving the condition of the interior with the installation of new carpeting, emergency lights, exit signs and fire extinguishers. The Central Maintenance Division worked with the Building Department on these improvements.

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Select Board will take place remotely on Tuesday, August 20, beginning at 7 p.m.

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