A Look Inside: Canton Citizen’s August 22 edition


Check out this week’s issue of the Citizen for the latest in Canton news, sports, events, and more. Highlights from the August 22 edition include:

* Back-to-School 24-25 Bus Schedule for Canton Public Schools

* CPD continues probe into lawn vandalism case

* CHS alum makes book debut with paranormal YA romance novel

* Select Board and School Committee recaps

* Margin Notes by Rachael Allen

* Comfort dog brings positivity to Blue Hills Regional

* ICC announces Donnelly Leadership Award winner

* DPH updates on mosquito-borne illness trends

* Junior Leaguers shine in memorable summer season

Also, don’t forget to check out our many weekly features, including:

* Police & Fire News Notes

* Senior Corner and letters to the editor

* Cable Guide, Citizen Around Town, and much more

* House of the Week and more local real estate resources

Not a subscriber? Click here to order your subscription today, or check out our new digital edition, the e-Citizen.

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