School Committee vice chair announces plans to step down


Canton School Committee Vice Chair Laura Arboleda announced last week that she will be stepping down from her post effective September 19, citing changes in her professional and personal responsibilities. The committee has set a September 30 deadline for interested candidates to apply for the vacancy. A final decision will be made in early October following a joint vote of the Select Board and School Committee.

Laura Arboleda

Arboleda announced her decision at last week’s School Committee meeting, noting that it was made with “mixed emotions” but out of “deep respect for the importance of the role.”

“My hope is one member of our community will make the decision to step forward soon and continue the vital work being done by all committee members,” she said. “Serving our community and collaborating with individuals passionate about education has been an incredible journey. I am profoundly grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to contribute to our schools and for the many individuals I’ve had the privilege to meet and learn from along the way.”

Although stepping down from her position, Arboleda said she looks forward to witnessing the continued progress of the Canton school district. “I leave with a hopeful outlook for Canton Public Schools’ future,” she said. “We are stronger when we engage in respectful dialogue, embrace diversity in all its forms — including different viewpoints — and remember that we are all role models for our community. Together, we have overcome challenges, and I am confident that this spirit of collaboration will continue.”

Arboleda has a bachelor’s degree in international relations, a master’s degree in computer science with a focus on healthcare informatics, and has earned leadership professional certifications from Harvard and Cornell. She has led a variety of initiatives promoting the adoption of technology focused on improving patient care and healthcare delivery in the United States and abroad. Prior to moving to Canton, she served as the chair of the Board of Health in Easton for four years. She is the mother of two children in the Canton school system.

“We are sad to lose you,” said School Committee Chair Kendall O’Halloran. “You set a wonderful example.”

Fellow committee members Kristian Merenda and Maureen Moran both cited Arboleda’s interest in expanding foreign languages and interest in the middle school, while member Kim McCourt praised Arboleda’s poise, articulation and quest for knowledge.

Those interested in applying for the position should send a letter and/or resume to by the end of the day on September 30. The person selected to fill the seat will remain in the role until the next town election in April of 2025, at which point that individual, as well as any other interested candidate, can run for the final year of Arboleda’s term, which expires in April 2026.

In other news from the September 5 School Committee meeting:

* School Superintendent Derek Folan said the first week of school transportation across the district was an improvement over the past two years but is still not near optimal performance. He is waiting for a bigger sample size …

See this week’s Citizen to continue reading and for more highlights from the September 5 School Committee meeting.

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