Canton Co-op Pie Day Fundraiser
By Canton CitizenCanton Co-operative Bank will once again be collecting store-bought pies (with ingredients listed) plus fixins to help the Canton Food Pantry make Thanksgiving brighter for local individuals and families.
In addition to pies, the food pantry has also announced that they need boxed/bagged stuffing along with jarred/canned turkey gravy and jarred/canned cranberry sauce.
If you can help, please bring your items into Canton Co-operative Bank at 671 Washington Street (next to the Post Office) during bank business hours between Thursday and Saturday, November 14-16. (The bank closes at 12 noon on Saturdays.)
If you can’t stop by with a pie or fixins but would still like to help, donations for the food pantry are also being accepted now in the bank lobby and at the drive-up.
For more information, contact Canton Co-operative Bank Branch Manager April McKee at 781-828-8811 ext. 5.
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