GMS Project: Letters to the Editor
By Canton CitizenCanton residents will be asked to vote on a proposed new Galvin Middle School at a Special Town Meeting on Monday evening, November 18, in the CHS auditorium. Below are recent letters to the editor on the subject. Click here for a preview of the upcoming STM.
Letters of Support
Kristian Darigan Merenda: Strong schools, bright future (11/27/24)
Jennifer Wexler: CR4SEF board endorses GMS project funding (11/27/24)
Lynda Sullivan: New GMS a positive move for Canton (11/14/24)
Mark Porter: Former FinCom, SB member backs GMS project (11/14/24)
Andrea Stuart: Please vote ‘Yes’ for new GMS (11/14/24)
Nora Sullivan: Former student shares thoughts on GMS project (11/14/24)
Nichola Gallagher: Time is right to approve GMS building project (11/7/24)
Kacy Kalell: A vote for GMS project is a vote for our future (11/7/24)
Steve MacPherson: Vote ‘Yes for GMS!’ (10/31/24)
Letters of Opposition
Brenda Sweeney: There but by the grace of God go I (11/14/24)
Frank LaBollita: We need to address the elephant in the room (11/7/24)
Bruce Nogueira: Huge increases in property taxes in the near future (11/7/24)
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