Town shares results of Climate Action Survey
By Canton CitizenChair Tom Birmingham and the Canton Sustainability and Climate Action Plan Committee are pleased to share the results of a community Climate Action Plan (CAP) survey.
The purpose of the survey was to gather feedback on environmental priorities from community members. Over 350 residents and businesses completed the survey, and the results demonstrate significant community support for the upcoming CAP.
About half of survey respondents were aware of the CAP Committee, and a strong majority understood its focus on reducing pollution, promoting and facilitating homeowner and business access to clean energy systems, and preparing for climate adaptation and climate-related emergencies.
Top environmental concerns highlighted include outdoor air quality, deforestation and habitat loss, and pollution of freshwater sources. The survey also identified strong support for actions such as reducing the volume of plastics in the environment; improving recycling rates and reducing waste being landfilled; promoting smart growth and sustainable development; and facilitating homeowner and business access to clean energy retrofit grants, rebates, tax credits, and other incentive programs.
Community members also identified a high awareness of the public health impacts of climate change, including air pollution, increasing heat, extreme weather events, flooding, drought, and fires. Many emphasized the need for improved sidewalks and bike lanes.
Survey results will be added to information gathered from interviews with town department personnel, CAP Committee focus groups, other town committees and plans, Canton’s business community, and statewide best practices. All of this information will be used to help guide the development of Canton’s CAP to ensure it aligns with the community’s environmental priorities while balancing long-term sustainability goals.
The conclusion of the survey brings Phase 2 of the CAP development process to a close. Phase 3 involves three key steps, including: 1.) Drafting the CAP and related recommendations; 2.) preparing the Select Board to vote on the CAP and related actions; and 3.) preparing for Canton’s 2025 Annual Town Meeting, including applicable articles for inclusion in the warrant.
In addition, the CAP Committee has voted to endorse the new Galvin Middle School project and related funding for three key reasons.
First, the building design and plan for the grounds demonstrate and model sustainable development construction principles of clean energy construction and sustainable design.
Second, this design brings Canton closer to achieving Climate Leader Community certification. This will enable the town to access grants and technical assistance for the continued build-out and development of clean energy systems, generation and storage.
Third, this project moves Canton toward meeting future decarbonization targets, which are anticipated to be included in the forthcoming Climate Action Plan.
For additional information about the survey or the Climate Action Plan, visit the CAP page on the town website, or contact Town Planner TJ Torres at or 781-575-6575.
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