Canton Writes now accepting entries


Canton Writes, the town-wide writing contest, once again invites everyone in Canton to sharpen their pencils or fire up their laptops and become the authors they are meant to be. The contest will begin on February 3 this year. Authors can enter in one of five age groups: grades K-2, grades 3-5, middle school, high school, and adult.

Authors must live in Canton and may submit a short story, poem, or nonfiction/memoir, but no more than one entry in each category. No entry may exceed 1,000 words. Entries must be submitted via email in a Microsoft Word-compatible format to by March 31, along with a submission form available at

Every entry must have a title. Authors should not put their name or any other identifying information on the entry itself, only on the submission form along with the entry title. Entries are anonymously judged by an independent panel of educators, writers, and readers affiliated with the Friends of the Canton Public Library.

Participants who give permission on their submission form will be published in the Canton Writes 2025 print edition, which will be available for purchase, and at a special price to authors. Please check out the library website for further information.

First, second, and third-place prizes will be awarded in the short story or poetry categories for each age group. Three winners will be selected from the nonfiction category, with age category a consideration. Winners will be notified by email and announced in the Canton Citizen in early May. All winners will have the opportunity to read their work to the audience at the awards night scheduled for June 10 and 11.

Canton Writes is sponsored by the Friends of the Canton Public Library and the Canton Citizen.

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