Police audit findings to be released next month
By Jay TurnerFive Stones Intelligence, the auditing firm selected to perform an independent review of Canton Police Department operations, is nearing the finish line and is due to release its findings by early next month.
According to Bob McCarthy, chair of the Police Audit Procurement Committee, the auditor was approximately “80 percent complete” as of Tuesday and should have the final report wrapped up by April 1.
McCarthy said representatives of 5 Stones are scheduled to present an executive summary of its report to the audit committee on Thursday, April 3, at 7 p.m. in the Salah Meeting Room at Town Hall. Two days later, on Saturday, April 5, the committee will hold a public forum to discuss the audit report from 2-5 p.m. in the Canton High School auditorium.
“The public is invited to hear the full report and ask questions concerning the finished report,” said McCarthy.
Initially proposed by a citizens’ petition due to concerns with the investigation into the death of Boston Police Officer John O’Keefe, the CPD audit was approved by Special Town Meeting (STM) voters with a total appropriation of $200,000.
The scope of services as agreed to by the procurement committee is far-reaching and calls for a thorough and objective review of all CPD policies and procedures, including a compliance review, to be conducted in accordance with all conflict of interest and ethics laws.
Areas to be covered include crime scene protocols; evidence collection and preservation methods; evidence room procedures; record-keeping; overtime and cell phone policies; officer training standards; the citizen complaint process and treatment of citizens; potential conflicts of interest involving family members and elected officials; oversight of the department by the Select Board and police chief; compliance with all state and local laws and regulations; and compliance with civil rights mandates.
The five-member procurement committee itself clashed repeatedly during the selection process but ultimately came to a consensus on 5 Stones, which submitted a bid of $198,000 and was the top choice of all five members.
The Washington, D.C.-based firm has provided investigative, audit and compliance and regulatory services to a wide range of agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Department of Justice, and the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). The company also provides investigative, security and due diligence services to both corporations and individuals.
During their interview, representatives from 5 Stones pledged to cover all of the topics outlined in the scope of services and have the report completed by April 2025. The company has made several visits to Canton over the past several months and have conducted extensive interviews with both sworn officers and civilian employees of the CPD.
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