Dam repair highlights big-ticket items for FY13
By Mike BergerRepairs to Shepard’s Pond Dam on Washington Street, an upgraded Pequitside Farm parking lot, and expanded meeting space for the public library highlight the municipal side capital plan for the upcoming budget year.
The most expensive item is $2 million for the cost of repairing Shepard’s Pond, which was ordered for repairs by the state Office of Dam Safety.
DPW Superintendent Mike Trotta said the town needs to get design and engineering plans underway during 2012 with construction plans completed by 2013. Because of the large expense of the dam project, Selectmen Chairman John Connolly recommended that the request be kept out of the capital plan and submitted as a separate town meeting article, just as they had done with the culvert repairs on Bolivar and Pine streets during 2011. State Representative Bill Galvin is also looking into state aid or a low-interest loan program for the project.
The Pequitside request is for $75,000 and the library meeting space request is for $36,000. Library Director Mark Lague said the library received 500 requests for meeting space this year.
The town has a projected cash capital budget of $364,000 for smaller projects and $250,000 for long-term debt. Excluding the dam repairs, department heads submitted requests totaling $521,000 for cash capital items and $538,000 for debt capital projects. Town Administrator Bill Friel said selectmen will have to pare down the list of projects to meet the budget goals.
The department requests included security equipment and four police cruisers for the Police Department, and vehicles, computers and service equipment for the Fire, DPW, Recreation and Finance departments.
In other news:
* Selectmen followed the advice of the Traffic Rules and Safety Committee and approved a “No Parking” area on the northern side of Ames Avenue. Police Chief Ken Berkowitz said the street is narrow and space is needed for emergency vehicles. Legal notices will be published to advise the public when the order takes effect.
* Selectmen congratulated several police officers who assisted in the arrest of two suspects in a recent break-in at Dunkin’ Donuts on Neponset Street. Police believe the suspects are connected in 30 area Dunkin’ Donut breaks. Officers Chuck Rae, Robert Schneiders, Brian Ronayne, and Steve Saraf each received a letter of commendation.
* Selectmen welcomed six new firefighter/paramedics, including Lyle Chandler, Doug Connor, Sean Fallon, Steve Driscoll, Keith Ryan, and Pat McGovern.
* Selectmen approved a new all-alcohol restaurant license application for Canton Gourmet, an upscale Japanese and Chinese restaurant that will occupy the former Talbot’s space at the Village Shoppes. The restaurant will open in January of 2012.
* Selectmen Sal Salvatori announced that Boy Scout Troop 77 will hold its tenth annual tree removal on Saturday, January 7, for Canton residents. A minimum donation of $10 is requested. Those interested should send an email by January 4 to T77treepickup@gmail.com, call 339-502-0340, or mail a payment to Troop 77, c/o Steve Likos, 5 Oxbow Rd., Canton. Proceeds will help fund various service projects that the troop participates in.
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