Canton results from MA State Primary


A total of 3,788 Canton voters cast a ballot in Tuesday’s State Primary election, including 2,841 for the Democratic primary, 933 for the Republican primary, and 14 for the Libertarian primary (no listed candidates).

In the contested races, Canton winners were as follows:

Governor’s Council: Tamisha Civil (D)

Clerk of Courts: Walter Timilty (D)

Register of Deeds: William O’Donnell (D)

U.S. Senator: John Deaton (R)

U.S. Representative: James Govatsos (R)

Deaton secured the Republican nomination and will face Elizabeth Warren in the general election. Govatsos, a Canton native and CHS graduate, received a boost in his hometown but lost the nomination to Milton native Robert Burke, who will face Stephen Lynch in November.

In the Governor’s Council race for District 2, Civil, a Stoughton resident, defeated three other challengers and will face Republican Francis Crimmins, also of Stoughton, in the general election.

Click here for the full list of Canton results.

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