Select Board approves warrant for Nov. Special Town Meeting


The Canton Select Board met briefly on Tuesday afternoon and unanimously approved the warrant for the upcoming Special Town Meeting on Monday, November 18.

The primary purpose of this year’s STM is to decide whether to finance the construction of a new Galvin Middle School via a 30-year debt-exclusion bond, which would cost taxpayers, on average, just under $200 annually over the full term of the bond. The project has a total budget of $241.76 million, of which approximately $72.8 million will be covered via a reimbursement grant from the Mass. School Building Authority (MSBA).

The November 18 Special Town meeting will commence at 7 p.m. in the CHS auditorium, and the first substantive article to be discussed will be the GMS financing plan. If that passes by a two-thirds majority, a December 10 special town election will be called to ultimately decide the project’s fate.

Also on the warrant are five zoning articles and five non-zoning articles. The non-zoning articles include adoption of rules to governing the STM; a town appropriation for a replacement filtration system at the Neponset Water Treatment Facility; an article setting the salary of the town clerk; adjustments to some FY25 accounts; and an increase in funding for the Special Education Reserve Account.

Zoning articles include amendments pertaining to accessory apartments and accessory dwelling units; dimensional requirements of residential and non-residential districts; corner lots, in-patient medical facilities and the deletion of carriage houses; and creation of an overlay to delineate the Canton Junction Overlay District approved at the 2024 Annual Town Meeting. Town Administrator Charles Doody said most of the zoning articles are based on adjustments made by state officials.

The warrant is slated to be reviewed by the Finance Committee and Planning Board, and copies will then be printed and mailed to residents. It will also be available in digital form on the town website.

The Select Board will hold its next public meeting remotely via Zoom on Tuesday, October 8, beginning at 7 p.m.

Police Audit Committee to interview 3 firms

Also this week, the town’s Police Audit Committee had its first look at the bid proposals that were submitted by the September 30 deadline …

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