Canton softball leagues address mosquito threat
By Canton CitizenWomen’s Softball League
Teams did not play on Wednesday, July 25, due to the threat of EEE from infected mosquitoes. The Board of Health is recommending that everyone refrains from outdoor activities after 6 p.m. As a result, league official Christine Wadel stated that the league has “lost [its] softball fields” and is in a “mad scramble to find fields in surrounding towns.” The league managed to find a field in Stoughton for two games scheduled on Monday, July 30; however, they could not find fields for yesterday’s games, and the remainder of the season “is in jeopardy,” said Wadel.
Men’s Softball League
Message from League President Nick Lance: In conjunction with the detection of Eastern Equine Encephalitis in the town of Canton, the state Department of Public Health is urging residents of Canton to curtail outdoor activities after dusk. The Canton Men’s Softball league takes this advice seriously. Any teams wishing to discuss alternatives to their remaining regularly scheduled games should contact me. Teams deciding to commence regular play are strongly urged to use insect repellent containing DEET and protective clothing, as well as familiarize themselves and their team with the DPH release of information. Please pass this information to anyone planning on attending any of your games as spectators as well.
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