Girls’ CC team edges Sharon for first meet win


The CHS girls’ cross country team edged Sharon 26-31 for the first win of the season, accomplishing the feat on Sharon’s home course at Debra Sampson Park.

Junior Amanda Eagles came in first for Canton and second overall in the race, covering the 2.8-mile course in 18:59. She was neck and neck with the third-place Sharon runner coming out of the woods and took off over the last 400 meters, beating her by 14 seconds.

Junior Courtney Loughnane was fourth overall with a time of 19:38. Senior captains Eleni Papadopolous and Kelsey Sayers finished fifth and seventh with respective times of 19:49 and 20:09. Freshman Catherine Song rounded out the top five for Canton, engaging in a foot race over the last 10 meters to lean out Sharon’s number-four runner to finish in 20:14.

Overall, Canton took 10 of the top 15 spots, with sophomore Kerin Sennett in tenth (20:21), senior captain Kate McClintock in 11th (20:50), junior Michaela Kelly in 12th (20:57), sophomore Julia Guerini in 13th (21:04), and junior Alyssa Wysocki in 14th (21:20).

The boys’ team did not fare as well, as they fell to the Eagles 15-50. Canton finished eighth, ninth and 10th, with juniors Kevin McNeil and Joe Clancy finishing in 16:33 and 16:35, respectively, and senior Scott Buresh finishing just behind in 16:41. A second Canton group finished in the 16-20 range led by senior Craig Mills (17:48), senior captain Mike Rota (17:50), senior Joe Sabatino (17:53), and sophomore Spencer Polsgrove (17:55).

Next up for both teams is their first home meet today against Oliver Ames at 3:45 p.m.

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