CHS baseball team has strong veteran players


With a sound infield, good starting pitchers in Joey Wilkinson and Matt Bernstein, and many returning veterans, the 2010 CHS baseball team is looking to improve upon last year’s record of 6-14.

The season is due to begin, weather and field permitting, today, April 1, at 3:30 p.m. against Mansfield.

This year’s captains are Mike Cleary, David Corcoran and Wilkinson. All played well for head coach Tom Healy last year.

This year’s infield is set, with Wilkinson at first when he is not pitching, Bernstein at second, Corcoran at shortstop and Kevin Rooney at third, with newcomers Sean Wilson and Chris Cammaratta adding infield depth at second and short.

Bulldog catchers are Matt Nichols and Vincent Vinciguerra. Two of the outfield positions will be manned by Cleary and Mike Oldenburg with the the last position to be filled by Tom Nickle, John Ruane or Mike Hallett.

Remaining reserves will be coming from junior varsity and freshmen candidates.

The pitching corps will include Wilkinson, Bernstein, Ruane and Nickle. Last year’s team batting average was .267. Of the returning veterans, Nichols had the highest average at .267, Bernstein hit .244, Corcoran .243 and Oldenburg .238.

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