Canton Public Library: Upcoming Events
By Canton CitizenOngoing
BookMyne Mobile App
Did you know that you can access OCLN from your mobile devices? BookMyne is a mobile app that allows patrons to search our library catalog, renew checked-out items, place and cancel hold requests, check their account details, and navigate to the library’s home page all from their mobile device. You can get it at
Fall Story Time (Children’s)
Story times will be held for 2 ½ to 5 ½ year olds at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday and Friday mornings through December 2. No registration is required.
Passport Applications
The library will soon be accepting passport applications. For the latest information, visit
September 21
Drawing Japanese Manga for Teens
Are you a Manga fanatic? Do you like to draw? Join us at 3:30 p.m. in the Community Room when professional artist Andy Fish will show you how to draw Japanese Manga. This program is for teens ages 11-17. The program will last approximately 45 minutes and will demonstrate methods and techniques, with drawing time for participants. Supplies will be provided. Registration is required: Contact Carolyn at 781-821-5027 or by email at Check out presenter Andy at
College Financial Aid Seminar
A free financial aid seminar will be presented to parents and students by The College Planning Group at 7 p.m. in the Community Room. Call 781-828-1114 to register.
September 22
Friends with Books
Friends with Books will discuss The Murderer’s Daughters by Randy Susan Meyers at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Room.
Music and Movement (Children’s)
Join Marsha Wright from 10:30-11:15 a.m. for music and movement in the Arts & Activities Room. Swing into September. Open to all ages; sign up at the Junior Room desk.
September 24
Annual Book Sale
The book sale will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the lower level of the library. Sponsored by the Friends of the Canton Public Library, the book sale will offer thousands of titles, as well as baked goods and raffle gift baskets. A preview sale for Friends members will be held on Friday, September 23, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Proceeds from the sale will go to support the library.
September 26
Film & Discussion Club
The Library Film & Discussion Club will show “The Human Resources Manager,” a black comedy from Israeli filmmaker Eran Riklis, beginning at 7 p.m.
Learning Through Play (Children’s)
Apples and harvest time! Presented by Marsha Wright from 1:30-2:30 p.m., this free program is open to all preschool children and their parents. Register at the Junior Room desk. Funded by the Mass. Dept. of Early Education and Care.
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