GMS makes changes to summer reading program
By Mary Ann PriceFor students, summertime means going away to camp, fun at the beach, or simply hanging out with friends. It’s also an opportunity for them to keep their reading skills fresh and to prepare for the upcoming school year. The Galvin Middle School English Language Arts (ELA) Department has long had a summer reading requirement for incoming students, but this year they have made some changes.
“We are asking all students to read two titles,” said Galvin ELA/Reading Department Advisor James Spillane. “We’re trying to improve and increase literacy skills across the board.”
The ELA teachers selected the books for each grade; they reflect a range of student interests and correlate with the curriculum.
The school is going one step further and requiring that the seventh and eighth grade classes each read a book about bullying in addition to a second title. Spillane said that just like every school, the Galvin school community has experienced incidents of bullying.
“This is being proactive,” he said. “It matches our school-wide goal of having an anti-bullying program.”
The core novel for the eighth grade is Bystander by James Preller. The story of a boy who is bullied and looks to others for help is woven around a quote by Martin Luther King: “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Students need to take notes on the characters, vocabulary and themes. The book will be taught during the first two weeks of classes in the fall.
Students will be asked to sign an anti-bullying pledge and to create a piece of a mural that will be displayed in the cafeteria.
“The eighth graders are the leaders of the school,” Spillane said. “To eliminate bullying, it takes the teachers, the administrators, the parents, but it also takes the students. They need to be involved.”
Schooled by Gordon Korman is the core novel for the seventh grade. It is the story of a boy who has been homeschooled and begins classes at a middle school. After reading the book, students need to select five of the characters and complete a character traits discussion sheet, which is located on the Galvin website. Assignments for the second title for the eighth grade and seventh grade classes are also on the website.
The incoming sixth grade students are required to read any two books from the reading list and complete a summer reading recommendation form for each title. Spillane is pleased with the reading choices for all classes.
“I have to compliment the teachers,” he said.“It’s an excellent list. The two core novels are outstanding, in my opinion.”
The Galvin ELA teachers are Mrs. Holland, Mr. Paretchan and Spillane (grade 8); Mrs. Cabral, Ms. McManius, Mrs. Ghostlaw and Ms. McCarville (grade 7); and Mrs. Reardon, Ms. Capone, Mrs. Silva and Mrs. Gunning (grade 6).
Spillane recommended that students who need to find the books start at the Canton Public Library. “They’ve got a wonderful Young Adult section,” he said.
Another choice is the Barnes and Noble Bookstore in Walpole, which has the reading lists. The store held a fundraiser and poetry reading for the Galvin and Canton High School in June. Middle school students read their poetry to a standing-room-only crowd while the store donated a portion of its sales. The $1,400 that was raised will be used to purchase books and supplies for the two schools.
The summer reading assignments can be found on the Galvin Middle School homepage under “Summer Reading Info.” The link leads to a page with the reading assignments for all students, plus information on how students can become Advanced Summer Readers and be recognized in the fall. Please contact Spillane at for more information.
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