A Look Inside: Canton Citizen’s June 11 edition


Check out this week’s issue of the Citizen for the latest in Canton news, sports, events, and more. Highlights from the June 11 edition include:

* Photos from the CHS Class of 2020 diploma conferral ceremony

* Coverage of the Stand in Solidarity #BlackLivesMatter rally at Town Hall

* Latest news on the June 16 election and June 22 annual town meeting

* School Committee Candidates Snapshot

* Family-owned Draper mill continues to evolve

* Citizen honors 17 senior spring athletes

* Canton’s Attic: Family Photos presented by George Comeau

Also, don’t forget to check out our many weekly features, including:

* Police & Fire News Notes

* Senior Corner and Veterans’ Corner

* Cable Guide, Citizen Around Town, and much more.

* House of the Week and more local real estate resources

Special Promotion: $30 for 1 year or $50 for 2 years for NEW in-town subscribers through July 15. Click here to order your subscription today.

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