Local businesses support helpline, food pantry
By Canton CitizenThe Canton Area Helpline recently received two substantial monetary donations: $1,000 from Eastern Bank and $500 from Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation.
In addition, the Canton Rotary Club sold raffle tickets at the annual Health Fair on Saturday, with all proceeds going to support the Canton Food Pantry. The raffle tickets were donated by Maxie’s Delicatessen at Cobb’s Corner and Shaw’s Supermarket. The Canton Food Pantry distributes 9,000 bags of groceries each year.
Food may be dropped off at the Bank of Canton, Canton Co-operative Bank, and Pratt Realtors, Inc.
(Above) Stephen H. Gobewole, assistant vice president of Eastern Bank of Canton, presents a check for $1,000 to helpline president Charles Doody.
(At right) Carolann Brown, co-director of the Canton Food Pantry, accepts a $500 donation from Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation given by Sue Callahan of Canton.
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