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Super Speller

Galvin Middle Schooler Avika Shukla proved that she knows how to S-P-E-L-L at the 39th annual Item Scripps National Spelling Bee Eastern Massachusetts Regional. The event took place at Lynn’s Veterans Memorial City Hall Auditorium, where Shukla

Financial Fitness: The ‘Silver Tsunami’ & what it means for homebuyers

The following article appears in the Canton Citizen’s 2025 Financial Fitness Guide. See this week’s edition for information and tips from local professionals on a wide range of financial topics, including asset protection, real estate, tax preparation, and much more. *** If you’re a first-time homebuyer or someone struggling to find an affordable home, you […]

Guest Column: On the Care of Migrants

The column below was published in the latest Sunday bulletin of St. Oscar Romero Parish and reprinted with permission from the author. Dear Friends, “The family of Nazareth in exile, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, emigrants in Egypt and refugees there to escape the wrath of an ungodly king, are the model, the example and the […]

Scholastic Art & Writing winners announced

By Darcie Fisher Seven Canton Public Schools students have been recognized with 2025 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. They competed against students from across New England at the regional level. Five of the students received awards in the art category, while two were honored in the writing category. Submissions were based on originality, technical skill, […]

Mail-in ballot reminder for April town election

Dear Editor: Approximately half of all Canton votes cast in the November 2024 presidential election were mail-in ballots. Many voters don’t know that if you filed an application for mail-in ballots at any time during 2024, it was only good for elections in 2024! And unlike in 2024, voters will not automatically receive an application […]

Harrington announces candidacy for SB

Accountable to all of Canton. Working for our best future. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned in life from my family, from my veterinary practice, and from working with committees and organizations in Canton, it’s that you have to be responsible for your actions,” said Susan “Sue” Harrington, who is running for a seat on […]

Please save the Pappas Rehab Hospital for Children

Dear Editor: It’s budget season on Beacon Hill again, as Governor Healey rolled out a $62.07 billion FY26 budget proposal, which is an increase of $4.3 billion (7 percent) over the FY25 General Appropriations Act current budget of $59.6 billion. This proposed spending grows significantly over FY25 GAA. Governor Healey’s budget includes free community college […]

Ryder announces candidacy for School Committee

Submitted by Amanda Ryder I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for a three-year term on the School Committee in the upcoming April 8 election. I grew up in Sharon and moved to Canton in 2012. As a parent of three young children, including a fourth grader and a first grader at the Hansen, I […]

Galvin Midddle School Project Update

Update: Contractor completes geothermal test well at GMS Kristy Lyons of Consigli, the construction firm overseeing construction of the new Galvin Middle School, reported that geothermal testing is going well and according to plan. The test well was drilled on Thursday, December 26, and completed about midday on Friday when the 800-foot depth was reached. […]

Library Trustees respond to criticisms

Dear Editor: There have been some comments on social media about the library that include misconceptions and incorrect data — including costs associated with work on this cultural asset. The Canton Public Library is a vital community resource, serving residents of all ages with a wide range of programs and materials. The library received nearly […]

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