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Anti-prayer letter misses the constitutional mark

Dear Editor: Regarding Sue Harrington’s October 25 letter celebrating the removal of prayer from the Canton High graduation, she refers to the issue of “separation of church and state” as if this phrase is embodied in the U.S. Constitution — which of course it is not. The phase comes from a letter Thomas Jefferson wrote […]

CAASA Drop-In Centers open to all

Submitted by Harriet Burak, CAASA member The Canton Alliance Against Substance Abuse (CAASA) was started in 2013 to address youth substance abuse. Meetings are held on the third Monday of every month at the Canton Fire Department on Revere Street. Any resident interested in getting involved is welcome to attend. Led by Fire Chief Charles […]

An atheist’s view on the school prayer issue

Dear Editor: I read with great interest two recent letters decrying the removal of prayer from the Canton High graduation ceremony. I had quite a different response. We are a family of proud American atheists, and I am one of many who feel alienated when prayer is part of public ceremonies, including school events and […]

ER Doctor: No on Ballot Question 1

Dear Editor: I am an emergency physician with over 25 years of experience. A yes vote on Question 1 will prevent me from providing safe, quality, and expeditious care for you and your loved ones! This is not about projections of cost or the availability of nurses to meet the proposed ratios. My concern and […]

Rev. Tamilio: To pray or not to pray

By Dr. John Tamilio III The church I am proud to serve, the Congregational Church of Canton, has been in the news as of late. Some background to the story is needed. I was invited to deliver the prayer of invocation at the Canton High School Class of 2018 commencement ceremony. The prayer follows: Holy, loving, […]

Letter to the Editor: Vote Yes on 3

Dear Editor: Many parents struggle to accept their LGBTQ kids when they first come out. But that is not my family’s story. My son Aiden is 23 years old and he is transgender. That means my husband and I raised him as a girl for two decades until he told us that he was not […]

Indivisible Canton: Vote Yes on Question 2

Dear Editor: More than 80 percent of the American people think that big money in politics is one of the biggest problems affecting our democracy. Control of our political and legal systems by big money interests must be eliminated if we want to see significant progress on the critical issues that our country faces. This […]

Op-ed: The Future of Route 138

By Emilio E. Mauro, Jr. The Master Plan Steering Committee, of which I am a member, is currently working on a vision for our town, which includes transportation matters. In this guest column, I will share my personal views for the future of State Route 138 (SR-138). The traffic on SR-138 and the uncontrolled traffic […]

Op-ed: Updating Canton’s Master Plan

By Laura Smead, AICP, Canton Town Planner One of my biggest jobs as town planner is to assist in both the development and implementation of Canton’s Master Plan. Sometimes these plans are labeled “comprehensive” or “general,” but they all mean the same thing: putting down on paper the hopes and dreams a community holds for […]

Michael … Forever in My Heart

By Harriet Burak, CAASA member Today it has become very common for young girls to have their ears pierced. In some cultures even, many baby girls have their ears pierced before they are old enough to walk. Not so in my case. I was in my late 30s, and a mother of three, before I […]

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