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BHRTS renovation project achieves key milestone

The long-awaited school renovation project at Blue Hills Regional Technical School in Canton took a critical step forward on November 13, announced Superintendent James Quaglia. As of that date, all of the school’s nine district towns, including Canton

Commentary: Digging deeper into crime statistics

By Police Chief Ken Berkowitz After reading MAC’s quick blurb in last week’s paper regarding the results of the FBI’s 2016 Uniform Crime Report, and in an effort to help MAC and the readers understand why, on its own, it is not a true metric to measure crime in our community, I felt compelled to […]

Guest Column: Equifax Breach

By Vik Solem, president of MEI Security October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month, and fresh in our minds is the Equifax breach. Back on September 7, more than a month after their failure, Equifax admitted publicly that their security was compromised, exposing the personal information of 143,000,000 U.S. consumers. While this is not the […]

Around the Park: Summer Camp Highlights

Below is the latest installment of “Around the Park,” a weekly recap of summer camp offerings submitted by the Canton Parks & Recreation Department. On Wednesday, August 9, don’t miss our weekly summer concert featuring The Infractions!

Canton should be proud of Brightview Senior Living

Dear Editor: I am taking this moment to write and tell you about my experience at Brightview Senior Living in Canton. My 96-year-old mother is living there now and my husband and I went up to visit her this past weekend. It is outstanding right from the moment you drive in and see the landscape […]

Canton Writes 2017: Best in Show

The Canton Citizen, a sponsor of the annual Canton Writes contest, will once again publish the winning entries as space permits. The selection below, by Andrew Capraro, was the winning entry in the adult short nonfiction/memoir category and was also named Best in Show for 2017. The Slippery Slope of Cynicism By Andrew Capraro Like […]

Heartfelt thanks to a town that gave so much

Dear Editor: The sons of Karl and Frances Bischoff wish to thank so many of their wonderful neighbors, friends, first responders — simply put, too many people to count — who gave their lives as residents of Canton so much meaning. It’s easy to take for granted the things that make up normal everyday life. […]

Register’s Corner: Shedding light on solar contracts

When the spring months roll around, we seem to get a lot closer to Mother Nature. We see our neighbors arranging flower boxes, planting bushes, and watering their lawns.

CHS student interviews award-winning producer

The first thing I notice about Gawvi is his voice. Relaxed and easy, it gives the impression that the speaker is extremely down-to-earth, relatable. But Gawvi is not your average 20-something-year-old. A hip-hop and EDM artist

CABI hosts workshop on ‘Marijuana and the Workplace’

The Canton Association of Business & Industry (CABI) hosted a “Lunch and Learn” event on Wednesday, April 26, on Marijuana and the Workplace: Understanding the New Regulations. CABI President Brian Mahoney welcomed the association’s members and guests, and introduced the featured speakers: Canton Police Chief Ken Berkowitz and Human Resources Director Jody Middleton. Middleton provided […]

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