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Canton High alumna speaks at Asperger/Autism Gala

Canton resident Kelsey Oates took the stage at The Asperger/Autism Network’s annual gala, Coming of Age: Transforming the Future, last month to talk about her experience with Asperger’s and finding AANE. Diagnosed at 24, Oates found herself hurled into the diverse, vibrant, and sometimes confusing world of Asperger’s Syndrome. Some with her diagnosis have attended […]

Town-wide fundraiser for Madi a big success

On Friday, April 7, the Hansen Elementary School teachers, spearheaded by physical education teacher Andrea Moore, held a town-wide fundraising event for Madi Bergstrom and her family. A second grader at the Hansen, Madi has been undergoing treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. This is the third time she is battling this cancer. Over 260 students from […]

Where Eagles Dare: Troop 77 honors 7 Eagle Scouts

At a special Eagle Scout Court of Honor ceremony held at St. Gerard Majella Church on Sunday, March 12, Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Troop 77 in Canton celebrated the achievements of seven Eagle Scouts who earned scouting’s highest rank

Anti-pipeline study does disservice to local energy customers

Dear Editor: Your recent story about the proposed Access Northeast gas pipeline project, “New report questions costs, need for pipeline project” (Canton Citizen, 3/2/17), highlights a seriously flawed analysis of the need for additional pipeline infrastructure here in New England. While your balanced story included comments from Spectra Energy refuting the study, I feel compelled […]

Galvin: Why I voted to increase pay

Dear Editor: Many residents have contacted me about legislation that increased stipends for certain positions in the legislature and pay for the state’s judges and constitutional officers. There has been considerable inaccurate information spread about what was included in this legislation. I wish to clarify some of the finer points of this legislation that helped […]

Legislative pay raises shocking, hypocritical

Dear Editor: I am disgusted and speechless by the size and scope of the pay raise Representative Bill Galvin (D-Canton) voted for himself and his fellow legislators. Thus, I will type it out. State legislators recently received a pay raise four weeks ago and came off a five-month vacation prior to their recent vote to […]

Register of Deeds: When Hollywood comes to town

Lights! Cameras! Action! It’s safe to say that for most people, those three buzzwords do not conjure up thoughts of the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds. After all, what is so alluring to Hollywood about a building that contains 5 million real estate documents?

Canton rehab doubles in size to assist more patients

Journey Forward, a paralysis rehabilitation facility founded in 2008 by spinal cord injury survivor Dan Cummings, recently moved its operation to a new location in Canton to accommodate the growing demand for client services. The nonprofit organization’s workspace, located across the street at 5 Shawmut Road, is now double the size, expanding from 6,000 to […]

Letter to the Editor: Not another liquor store

Dear Editor: I am writing to voice my surprise about the town’s approval of a very large liquor store in Cobb’s Corner, as reported in the December 1 edition of the Canton Citizen. As the article stated, there are already four places of business that sell wine, beer and/or liquor in Cobb’s Corner. I called the […]

Letter: Free the Rez group wants answers

Editor’s note: The Citizen provided the Board of Selectmen the opportunity to respond in writing to the questions contained in this letter. However, the board instead intends to address the matter at its next meeting on October 18. Dear Editor: I am writing on behalf of Free the Rez to discuss the activity, or lack […]

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