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Select Board decision on comments a ‘huge error’

Dear Editor: Suspending public comments is absurd and a huge error by the current Select Board. Where was that despotic decision debated, behind closed doors? The timing couldn’t be worse. This current mess goes back to the last election when finicky voters didn’t pay much attention to detail. Elections have consequences and it’s coming back […]

Crisis in confidence highlights need for independent group

Dear Editor: Each response and action so far has only made it more clear how big the divide is between the insiders’ perceptions of and the reality of the crisis in confidence plaguing the town’s leaders. It strikes me that there isn’t an obvious reason why an independent group of residents should not form and […]

Select Board’s silence on member’s conduct is deafening

Dear Editor: We appreciate the recent articles as well as the oped about the Karen Read trial. They are well overdue, because this event has rocked the town. However, what is still conspicuously absent in the Canton Citizen is any mention of the Select Board’s silence on fellow board member Chris Albert’s actions. Specifically, Albert […]

A mother speaks again and again

By Harriet Burak On September 9, 2004, my son, Michael Jonathan Burak, died after fighting a lengthy battle against the illness of substance use disorder (SUD). He was 31 years old. These past 19 years have been ones in which I have experienced many highs and lows. As Michael’s mother, I have had my share […]

‘Random citizen’ offers thoughts on water filtration

Dear Editor: A Select Board member was caught on a hot mic calling someone an “[expletive] random citizen” for raising concerns about oversight and other important matters at a recent public meeting. That’s disappointing. So-called “random citizens” contribute to the community, raise families here and pay their taxes. In other words, the same things everyone […]

Controversial library books give cause for concern

Dear Editor: I read Denise Falbo’s August 24 letter to the editor on behalf of Indivisible Canton in support of the American Library Association (ALA). Indivisible Canton, according to Falbo, comprises 140 members. I submit that if parents, grandparents, and other Canton residents read passages from the books in question and supported by the ALA, there would be a […]

Heroes Spotlight: PFC John Lawrie

The following is the latest installment in an occasional series by Rich Carrara spotlighting the sacrifice and heroism of Canton veterans who were killed in action. In their 2007 book Canton’s Fallen Heroes, Ed Piana and Tony Andreotti provide an excellent snapshot of John Lawrie’s life in Canton and his time in the U.S. Marines Corps. […]

Thank you from Canton Helpline

The Canton Helpline, Inc., a nonprofit organization, is grateful to the Canton Citizen for sharing information with the community about the relocation of our food pantry. The organization appreciates the town of Canton designating space for the Canton Food Pantry in its new location at 1860 Washington Street (formerly St. Gerard’s). So many worked together […]

Indivisible Canton backs public library decision

Dear Editor: Indivisible Canton, with more than 140 members, supports the Canton Public Library’s recent decision to decline a request to remove a memoir by a nonbinary, asexual author from the shelves. In this, we are on the same page as the American Library Association, which strongly opposes all forms of censorship. We applaud our […]

Canton High students explore their ‘many heritages’

A handwritten recipe for lasagna. A doorstopper shaped like a cat. Bracelets from Cape Verde. All are examples of the family heritage of several Canton High School students, and all are currently part of the “Our Many Heritages “ exhibit located at the Paul Revere Heritage Site, future home of the Paul Revere Museum of Discovery and Innovation.

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