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Orchard Cove resident celebrates 100th birthday

On Thursday, March 9, staff members and residents of Orchard Cove in Canton gathered in the ballroom for a very special birthday celebration in honor of Dr. Shirley Rayport — the senior living community’s newest centenarian. The highlight of the event was a live performance by cellist Lev Mamuya and members of From the Top, […]

Betty Chelmow announces candidacy for re-election

Submitted by Betty Chelmow I was first elected to the Library Board of Trustees in 1977 and served 13 terms before stepping down from the board for six years. During COVID, I thought perhaps once again I could be of help to the board and sought reelection. It has been one of the joys of […]

Mindy Milman challenging for library trustee seat

Submitted by Mindy Milman My name is Mindy Milman and I am announcing my candidacy for library trustee. I am running because it is time for a change and I can make a difference. For the past 13 years as a resident of Canton, the heart of this community — the library — has also captured […]

Comeau to seek re-election to Library Board of Trustees

Submitted by George Comeau I am announcing my campaign for re-election as a trustee of the Canton Public Library. The American ideal of the public library is core to my values and the promotion of freedom and access to information. I am proud of my tenure as a trustee over the past 24 years. Serving […]

John ‘Jay’ Foley to challenge for library trustee seat

Submitted by Jay Foley I am announcing my candidacy for the Canton Board of Library Trustees. Local libraries are one of the few institutions in a community that benefit residents of all ages. As a lifelong, avid reader, I appreciate and support how libraries serve diverse interests and groups and offer unfiltered access to books […]

Albert announces candidacy for Select Board

Submitted by the Committee to Elect Chris Albert Chris Albert is excited to announce that he is running for a seat on the Select Board in the April 4 town election. A lifelong resident of Canton, Albert attended elementary and middle school in the town and his wife and two eldest sons are Canton High […]

JR McCourt announces candidacy for Select Board

Submitted by the Campaign to Elect JR McCourt John R. McCourt is officially announcing his candidacy for the Canton Select Board. A lifelong resident of Canton, McCourt attended Canton Public Schools and has been involved in many aspects of the community from a very young age. As a father of three grown adults, who are […]

Heroes Spotlight: Sgt. Michael J. Callanan

The following is the latest installment in an occasional series by Rich Carrara spotlighting the sacrifice and heroism of Canton veterans who were killed in action. Much has been written about Michael Callanan in the 2007 book Canton’s Fallen Heroes published by Edward Piana and former Veterans Agent Tony Andreotti. It describes the young man’s […]

Lisa Lopez announces candidacy for reelection

Submitted by the Campaign to Re-elect Lisa Lopez Select Board Vice Chair Lisa Lopez formally announced her campaign for re-election to a second term on the Canton Select Board, to be determined by Canton voters on April 4, 2023. “Despite the town’s focus during the last three years on shepherding the community through COVID, the […]

Ex-FinCom Chair: Municipal contracts are a balancing act

By Mark Porter After reading several pieces on the unfortunate situation with Canton’s teachers, I thought it might be valuable to share my perspective on the situation as someone who is currently unplugged from the current goings-on in municipal government but also someone with 12 years of municipal finance experience. First and foremost, I have […]

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