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Stories written by Nick Maffeo

Smart About Money: When Influencers Lie

Rick Steves started traveling in 1978 when he was 23. Millions and millions of people have been enjoying his show on public television since 1991. Some have been armchair travelers with him, and many have actually visited the places he talks about on his show or in his guidebooks. According to Wikipedia, Steves is a […]

Smart About Money: Aftermath of Being Scammed

According to a new FBI report, there was a “devastating spike” in scams last year, with the impact of the scams often being catastrophic for the victims. Many think it’s “just” older people who get scammed. That’s not true. Victims are of all ages, and some believe that younger people are particularly likely to become […]

Smart About Money: Debunking a Dangerous Myth

CGA Solutions, a Georgia investigation firm, recently wrote about a “dangerous myth” being spread in a series of viral TikTok videos. The videos, according to CGA Solutions, had some users believing they had found a “loophole, a secret trick” that would enable them to withdraw ‘free’ cash from Chase Bank’s ATMs. “No, this isn’t some […]

Smart About Money: Gifts to Give Yourself

First, if you’re hoping to buy a home for the first time, or you know someone who is, the plain fact is that it never seems like a good moment to be buying a house. Ask any homeowner and they’ll tell you there were always things that made it seem “risky” at the time. Often […]

Smart About Money: Don’t take the bait

Researching scams and scam prevention, I came across the concept of the “initial bait.” Specifically, it is the lure (like the offer of a refund) or the threat that gets someone to respond to a scammer’s approach email, text or phone call. There’s a reason it’s called “phishing.” The scammers make initial approaches all day […]

Smart About Money: Beware of Sexting Scams

A parent recently approached me and asked if I would consider writing a column to alert parents to a particularly cruel scam that directly targets teenagers, often boys. Many parents may not be aware of this scam. I was not. When I started looking into it, I learned that it’s become so widespread and so […]

Smart About Money: Safe to Use Venmo?

The other day, someone asked an interesting question. Specifically, they wanted to know if it’s “safe” to use Venmo. As with anything online, the answer is, “It depends.” According to Yahoo Finance, “Overall, Venmo is generally a safe payment platform, but it’s crucial that you make sure you’re always sending money to the correct person/profile […]

Smart About Money: Anti-Scam Defenses

Recently a woman told me how she nearly fell for the “Grandchild Scam.” She got a call from someone saying it was her grandson and he was in jail. She isn’t sure because it all happened so fast, but she thinks she said, “Michael, is that you?” The person replied, “Yes, Gram. Please help me!” […]

Smart About Money: Lessons from a Bulldog

Probably everyone who spent more than a semester at Canton High would recognize the school’s bulldog mascot. (The bulldog is one of the most popular mascots in the world, apparently because they are famous for being friendly, loyal, courageous and tenacious. Hard to go wrong with characteristics like that.) Now that you’ve left Canton High […]

Smart About Money: Ignore the Scammers

There’s only one reason why someone is coaching you to lie to your bank about your reason for making a significant withdrawal from your account — they are scamming you. Period. It doesn’t matter what claims, promises or threats they’ve made. Every red alarm should be blaring when someone tells you to lie to your […]

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