Category archives for: Canton History

True Tales from Canton’s Past: Spur Line

Perhaps the greatest joy of living in Canton is that it still sits with one foot in the past and one foot firmly in the now. There are anachronistic reminders of yesteryear if you know where to look. As you pass over the railroad tracks at Canton Center, heading north towards Memorial Hall, take a […]

Coasting Back in Time

The boys had done this exercise countless times. The weather was perfect and the early December freeze made for excellent conditions. Two old sleds were taken from the Aldrich barn in Ponkapoag. The metal skids had been repaired by the blacksmith and he didn’t charge a penny for work that cost him $4. The boys […]

True Tales: Lost Cursive

Forty-five years ago I boarded a bus on Walpole Street and was dropped off at the Revere School on Chapman Street. The memory of that day burns vividly. I can recall the smell of crayons and paste, floor wax and ammonia, fresh air and sunlight flooding the room. We were a large class, by today’s […]

True Tales from Canton’s Past: Remembering Chief

Editor’s note: The story below was republished in the Canton Citizen this week in memory of James “Jim” Fitzpatrick, a lifelong Canton resident and former longtime fire chief who passed away on Friday at the age of 79. In addition to his four-plus decades of service with the CFD, “Chief” remained active in the community […]

True Tales from Canton’s Past: Flowers at a Grave

The leaves crunch underfoot, just as they did exactly 300 years ago in the same spot. There is a mossy bed that surrounds the head and footstone, and the October light dapples through the leaves of beautiful poplar. Much has changed beyond the walls of this place, but the reflections on life and sanctity are […]

True Tales from Canton’s Past: Walking in his Footsteps

After five years of writing these stories, the sense that Canton has a far greater history than many comparable towns is now apparent. And when you take stock of what this town has become economically and socially and where it is going, we are in a remarkable position to memorialize and capitalize on some of […]

True Tales: Light the Corners of My Mind

In 1972 the town of Canton celebrated the 175th anniversary of the founding of this community. There were the usual parades, costume balls, and even a mock town meeting to carry the history forward. An old movie from 1938 was presented for young and old to reflect upon how much had changed in town. There […]

True Tales from Canton’s Past: A Jewel on Elm Street

It is a small, unassuming house on Elm Street. Look closely and examine it from the street and you will see a low hip roof, an elegant yet simple porch, and a fanlight over the front door. This address, perhaps the finest and most sophisticated Italianate style house in Canton, is a national jewel beyond […]

True Tales from Canton’s Past: Devoted Servant

There is an old and little used adage that today, fortunately, has very little utility: Behind every man there is a woman. And indeed there was a time when it was entirely true. No truer than the woman that was behind Dr. Harvey Cushing — in his day the most famous neurosurgeon in the world. […]

True Tales: Canton Corner Firehouse

The ad copy reads, “Come see this classic New England home and own a piece of history. Canton’s first firehouse was converted into a single-family home in 1924.” Close, but not quite. This wasn’t Canton’s first firehouse, but it was certainly a big part of our past. The house at 1403 Washington Street is indeed […]

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