Category archives for: Canton History

True Tales from Canton’s Past: I Am the Egg Man

Hiking across the marsh, Elwyn Capen had endured several days of torrential spring downpours, yet he was in his glory. Soaked to his skin, a heavy wool coat slowed his progress as he approached the nest just at the edge of Ponkapoag Pond. High up in the tree was the large nest of a great […]

Revere Commission greenlights museum proposal

Talking portraits, state-of-the-art exhibits, a “destination” restaurant and taproom, a true village green — it’s all part of the bold vision for the future Paul Revere Heritage Site and cultural center off Neponset Street, and it is rapidly moving into the realm of possibility, armed with the backing of the influential Revere Heritage Commission and […]

True Tales from Canton’s Past: Cows & Dogs

In a meadow, he stepped lightly, avoiding the obvious signs of bovine leavings. In the heat of the late afternoon, the sun was declining and casting long shadows over the pasture. And as he cleared the thicket, he saw the elegance and grace of the herd at rest. He wanted to capture them in this […]

True Tales from Canton’s Past: Canton’s Future Redux

The idea behind saving the buildings at the Paul Revere and Sons property began back in 2008 when Attorney Paul Schneiders, representing the Napleton Company, stood before the Canton Historical Commission and sought a demolition request for the historic structures. It was unthinkable that such nationally significant mill buildings with a lineage that connected directly […]

True Tales from Canton’s Past: Under Three Flags

As the mail arrived at the town clerk’s office, one letter stood apart from the rest. The dispatch was postmarked from a small Bavarian village. And as Gail McHugo slit open the envelope, a simple typed note began a journey into Canton’s history that few know about today. “More than 100 years ago,” the letter […]

True Tales from Canton’s Past: Twenty-Two Stories

This column began in 2011, and since it started I have been able to tell well over 100 stories tied to the unique history and character of Canton. It has not really been all that hard discovering the things that make us unique. When you are curious, and you talk to people who have been […]

True Tales from Canton’s Past: Native Tongue

As time erases more and more of our earliest history, it becomes even more incumbent upon us to preserve our place names that respect the original people who lived here. It seems so ironic that in this particular place in our history today, we are wary of immigrants, outsiders, and refugees, and yet hardly any […]

True Tales from Canton’s Past: Stroll Through History

On a beautiful day in May in 1930, the ladies gathered at the home of Mrs. Dean S. Luce. There were dainty tea sandwiches on beautiful china plates. The ladies were dressed in their finest, with short daytime gloves and calf length dresses — accented by their Hollywood-inspired purses. Each of the women had taken […]

Canton True Tales Revisited: Colonial Vaccers

This story originally appeared in the Canton Citizen on November 12, 2015. It offers a glimpse into an early public health crisis and is being revisited with the hopes that it can serve to illuminate and educate as the community grapples with the impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak. Thirteen years had passed since the visitor […]

True Tales from Canton’s Past: Ghosts in the Woods

In just a few days the ghosts and goblins will be knocking at the door. The season for tricks and treats is upon us, and while the weather is still pleasant, there are a few “ghosts” you can visit before the first snow flies. Well, not actual ghosts, but “ghost roads,” those long forgotten paths […]

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