Category archives for: News

Schools reiterate safety plans following disturbance

A mid-day disturbance at Canton High School that initiated a shelter in place alert and resulted in criminal charges being filed against several individuals has prompted a thorough review and debrief as administrators seek to hammer home their commitment to school safety and accountability. While the incident in question, which occurred around noontime on November […]

News Notes: Downtown zoning forum set for Nov. 29

Canton municipal leaders, in partnership with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, will host a public forum on the future of downtown zoning on Tuesday evening, November 29, at the Canton Public Library. With the town’s Economic Opportunity Overlay District possibly due for a refresh after nearly 20 years in existence, participants will be asked to […]

Energy Aggregation & Topgolf updates

The Canton Electricity Choice (CEC) Committee, headed by resident Tom Birmingham, is accelerating plans to file a formal application for a municipal energy aggregation program with the state Department of Public Utilities sometime in the first quarter of 2023 following a public meeting and outreach program planned for either December or January. In addition to […]

Garden Club announces Holiday Doors contest

As the holiday season approaches and you begin to think about putting up your outdoor holiday decorations, consider entering the Canton Garden Club’s second annual Holiday Doors of Canton contest. The Garden Club is looking for Canton residences as well as businesses who would like to join in the merriment! The Holiday Doors contest is […]

Canton backs Democratic winners; votes no on 1

Other than a diverging opinion on the proposed ‘Millionaire’s Tax,” Canton voters largely followed the direction of the state as they backed a number of state and local winners in Tuesday’s midterm election. More than 10,000 of the town’s registered voters cast a ballot — either via early voting or in person on Election Day — and most races were generally split around 60/40 in favor of the Democrats, with even wider margins of victory for incumbent Secretary of State William F. Galvin and State Treasurer Deb Goldberg.

CHS mulls adoption of 4-year math requirement

The Canton School Committee will consider whether to accept the recommendation of the MassCore alignment and implement a four-year math requirement for all Canton High School students beginning with this year’s freshman class. Adopted by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education in 2007 and amended in 2018, MassCore is a state-recommended program of study […]

MSBA sends Galvin project onto feasibility phase

Canton school leaders’ dream of renovating or possibly rebuilding the Galvin Middle School — a centerpiece of the district’s long-range master plan — is now one step closer to becoming a reality following yet another affirmative vote by the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA). In clearing this latest hurdle, the Canton school district is now […]

Officials reach compromise on new CPA applications

Town Counsel Paul DeRensis, the co-chairs of the Canton Community Preservation Committee (CCPC), and the Canton Select Board have agreed to a compromise regarding the acceptance of new project applications for Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding. The CCPC had previously voted to “pause” the acceptance of applications while it worked to bring its new administrator […]

MassDPH urges vaccinations as flu season arrives

With flu season underway, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) is urging residents to get their flu shot as well as a COVID-19 vaccine or booster. It is recommended that every person over the age of 6 months gets a flu shot annually, and according to health officials, now is an ideal time to […]

DESE report shows Canton schools well above average

While overall standardized test results were mixed and absenteeism remains an ongoing concern throughout the district, Canton schools continue to perform well in relation to their counterparts, according to the latest accountability report put out by the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Although a formal accountability classification was not assigned to most […]

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