Category archives for: Police & Fire

Randolph/Washington redesign plans coming into focus

It appears that the solutions for the redesign of the intersection at Randolph and Washington streets will likely include a clearly marked right-hand turn lane onto Washington Street from Randolph; some kind of a timed traffic light during peak traffic hours; and a realignment of the roadway to engage motorists to make quicker decisions. Those […]

News Notes: Police charge 2 in Bank of Canton robbery

Police arrested two suspects in connection with a Bank of Canton robbery that occurred on Monday, June 12, around 4 p.m. at the bank’s Route 138 branch, located at 259 Turnpike Street. Arrested on bank robbery charges were Joseph Parella of Norwood and Kimberly Ginewicz of Malden. Police received a 911 call and responding officers […]

News Notes: CPD to launch ‘positive ticket’ campaign

Police Chief Ken Berkowitz and Lt. Charles Rae have announced a new community outreach initiative that the CPD will be piloting this summer. In an effort to promote positive reinforcement, officers will be on the lookout for citizens doing good deeds and will be issuing a ‘positive ticket,’ along with a gift card to one […]

CAASA reaffirms opposition to marijuana sales

The Canton Alliance Against Substance Abuse (CAASA) has reaffirmed its decision to support a ballot question that would prohibit the retail sale of marijuana in Canton, following in line with the towns of Norwood and Stoughton, who have already passed the prohibition. Police Chief Ken Berkowitz will be advising selectmen of the CAASA position and ask […]

Apartment clubhouse uninhabitable after major fire

A heavy fire, believed to be caused by discarded smoking materials, substantially damaged a clubhouse at the Blue Hill Village Apartments last week. At about 4 a.m. on Thursday, May 4, the Fire Department received an alarm and 911 call from a resident reporting a building fire at 735 Randolph Street. Upon arrival, firefighters found […]

Shawmut Road building evacuated due to gas leak

A commercial building at 65 Shawmut Road that houses several businesses was temporarily evacuated following a rooftop gas leak last Wednesday, April 19. Fire Lt. Greg Woodbury said firefighters found a displaced HVAC unit and shut off the gas until the gas company arrived to make repairs. Firefighters responded at 12:41 p.m. and left the […]

Fire at Orchard Cove displaces 12 residents

No injuries were reported, but a stovetop kitchen fire within an Orchard Cove residential unit caused an estimated $150,000 in damages and initially displaced 12 residents on Saturday, April 15. Orchard Cove reported to the Fire Department on Tuesday that 10 units were reoccupied the day after the fire and two residents were still displaced. […]

3 charged in connection with Shaw’s robberies

Canton and Stoughton police made three arrests last week in connection with three robberies in the Canton Shaw’s parking lot over the last few weeks. Two suspects were arrested by Canton police and a third was arrested by the Stoughton police. Canton detectives arrested Ihor V. Havryliv, 30, of 196 Greenbrook Drive in Stoughton and […]

Water/sewer, traffic enforcement highlight budget talks

A “substantial” increase in anticipated water/sewer costs and additional traffic enforcement needs — along with the possible reduction of speed limits in certain thickly settled areas of town — were some of the top story lines that surfaced during a discussion of the FY18 municipal operating budget at Tuesday night’s Board of Selectmen meeting. The […]

CAASA to open info and drop-in centers

The Canton Alliance Against Substance Abuse (CAASA) is working with Town Hall, the Council on Aging, Canton Public Library, and the Parks & Recreation, Health, Police, and Fire-Rescue departments to place information centers in their locations with substance abuse prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery resources for the public. CAASA Chairman Nick Pirelli said information centers […]

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