Category archives for: Schools

Canton schools launch new programming to improve student mental health

The Canton Public Schools’ wellness team is gearing up to answer rising concerns about student mental health. Currently in the late stages of development, the project addresses issues raised by the latest results of the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System survey. The survey, a tool developed by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention […]

Canton schools release new COVID-19 dashboard

A new reporting tool tracking the number of COVID-19 cases in the Canton school system is now available on the district website. Developed by Canton High School Assistant Principal Josh Fogel, the CPS COVID-19 Dashboard provides a snapshot of confirmed positive COVID cases and quarantine data within a specified date range while also reporting the […]

Rising COVID case counts impact select CPS classes

With a recent rise in positive COVID cases, School Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Fischer-Mueller announced a temporary shift to remote-only learning for select classes at each of the three elementary schools. Most, if not all of the impacted classes should be back to hybrid learning by next week. At the John F. Kennedy School, one grade […]

Schools sticking with hybrid despite shift to ‘red’ status

Amid a recent surge in COVID-19 cases in Canton and with the town having moved into the high-risk (red) category, Assistant Superintendent of Schools Derek Folan said at the January 7 School Committee that the Canton schools would remain in the hybrid learning model for now, but that could change either week to week or […]

Canton’s CPA fund receives record state match

The town of Canton will have additional Community Preservation Act monies to work with in the coming fiscal year thanks to a record-high match from the statewide CPA trust fund. Canton’s Community Preservation Committee, which is responsible for administering the program locally and recommending projects for funding, relayed the good news in a press release […]

School leaders exploring more in-person learning opportunities

Despite mounting numbers of COVID-19 cases locally and across the United States, Interim School Superintendent Derek Folan is not giving up on the possibility of more in-person learning in the future. However, he told the School Committee at its November 12 meeting that there are a number of factors that would need to be considered, […]

Canton now in the ‘green’ under new state metrics

Update: With the release of the latest DPH report on November 11, Canton has moved to the “green” category, indicating lower risk for COVID-19. The town’s average daily incidence rate fell from 10.8 to 7.1 and its positive test rate fell from 1.67 percent to 1.15 percent. *** The town of Canton has been shifted […]

Schools stick with hybrid despite continued ‘red’ status

The Canton School Committee last week followed the recommendation of Interim School Superintendent Derek Folan and agreed to continue with the hybrid learning model despite another week of rising COVID-19 case counts. The decision was made on the same day that Canton received its third “red” designation in as many weeks as reported by the […]

CPS music teacher brings Cantonstock to life

That Cantonstock is alive and well is due, in very large measure, to the inspirational work of Daniel Hulsman, music teacher at the Hansen, JFK and Luce elementary schools. “The only way to do it, of course, was to do it online, a virtual live-streaming show,” Hulsman said. “It’s been technically challenging, but it’s also […]

CPS remains in hybrid for now as Canton shifts to ‘red’

Despite Canton’s move into the highest COVID risk category of “red,” the School Committee and Interim Superintendent Derek Folan have agreed to wait at least three weeks before deciding whether to continue in the hybrid learning model or switch to a full remote format. The move to the red category was announced on October 14 […]

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