Category archives for: Schools

CHS asst. principal chosen as district tech director

Julianne (Julie) Shore, CHS assistant principal and former dean of students, will assume the role of director of technology for the entire Canton school district beginning July 1. In making the selection after nomination from an in-house search committee made up of school administrators, Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Fischer-Mueller praised Shore as a veteran educator with […]

Project SMILE takes 1st at FPS Internationals

Project SMILE, a Community Problem Solving team consisting of students from Canton High School, took home first place in the CmPS Senior Division at the Future Problem Solvers International Competition held earlier this month at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. The Canton teens competed with students from all over the world who worked on a […]

Classmate’s speech captures spirit of CHS Class of 19

See this week’s Citizen for complete CHS graduation coverage, including then and now photos, scholarship winners, future plans and much more. The weather was picture-perfect and the speeches hit all the right notes as the 229-member CHS Class of 2019 — a group that achieved greatness by working hard and “honoring the process” — marked […]

Blue Hills Regional opens search for next superintendent

By Judy Bass A search is underway for the next superintendent-director of Blue Hills Regional Technical School in Canton due to the anticipated retirement later this year of James P. Quaglia, who has held the position since 2010. Blue Hills Regional has been a leader in career and technical education for more than 50 years. […]

Superintendent names new Luce Elementary principal

School Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Fischer-Mueller has announced the appointment of Yeshi Gaskin Lamour as the next principal of the Luce Elementary School. Lamour will replace longtime Principal Robie Peter, who is retiring in June after a 30-plus-year career in education. A resident of Canton, Lamour has served for the past six years as principal of […]

FinCom recommends $1.2M in new money cuts

Given new budget figures by the Finance Committee last week, Canton school and municipal leaders will have a decision to make regarding cuts to new budget spending. The FinCom is recommending that the School Committee cut $691,000 from its proposed FY20 operating budget of $44,705,362. For selectmen and municipal department heads, the proposed cut is […]

CHS design team headed to national competition

The Canton Bulldogs Real World Design Challenge (RWDC) team was recently named the winner of the Massachusetts RWDC and is on its way to the national competition to be held in Chevy Chase, Maryland on April 13. Members of the CHS team include Guy Blochstein, Ryan Carney, Andres Castro, Devin Chen, Austin Cox, Dhanush Narayana, […]

CHS unveils 2019-20 program of studies

The Canton School Committee has enthusiastically approved a new Canton High School program of studies for 2019-2020, which includes the formation a “Seal of Biliteracy” program, the introduction of new classes such as Project Teammate and Spanish Language & Culture, the reintroduction of Political Science, and the restructuring of the Math Seminar course. On a […]

School officials revise facilities plan, raise pay for subs

The Canton School Committee has revised its school facilities master plan with the focus now shifting to a renovated Galvin Middle School that would serve students in grades 5-8. The plan would still be predicated on the school system being approved for reimbursement funding from the Mass. School Building Authority (MSBA). While renovations to GMS […]

Pool project a hot topic as CCPC issues spending recs

The Canton Community Preservation Committee (CCPC) has finalized its spending recommendations for fiscal year 2020, and headlining the list are a number of recreation and open space projects — including a long-proposed destination slide structure at the Luce School and new interpretive signage at the Paul Revere Heritage Site — along with a good-faith gesture […]

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