Category archives for: Schools

BOS OK’s Verizon deal, but Blue Hills costs loom

The Board of Selectmen received mixed financial news at its most recent public meeting on Tuesday, August 8. On the plus side, the board signed a new five-year extension of the town’s cable agreement with Verizon that comes with more than $450,000 in capital funding and revenues. On the other hand, selectmen learned that the […]

Rez dam repairs to cause road closures, detours

Motorists and school buses traveling in the vicinity of Pleasant Street can expect to encounter some road closures and detours as repairs to the Reservoir Pond Dam get underway in early September. The repairs are expected to start after Labor Day and could cause road closures along Pleasant Street and detours to Sherman Street as […]

Parents’ pick: 8th grade to Rodman, preK to elementary

It’s still early in the planning process, but an informal poll of parents attending a public hearing on a new school facilities master plan favored a new grade configuration that would have pre-kindergarten through grade 4 students at each of the elementary schools; grades 5-7 at the Galvin Middle School; grade 8 students at a […]

Facilities plan offers options to reconfigure schools

A private facilities planning firm has recommended three options to the School Committee that involve new grade configurations, including a plan to relocate Canton’s eighth graders to the Rodman building in front of CHS. All three options will be explained to the public at a meeting Thursday, June 15, at 7 p.m. in the CHS cafeteria. […]

‘Game-changing’ CHS Class of ’17 completes high school journey

This story appears in the Canton Citizen’s annual graduation issue, available now on newsstands. The rains stayed away and the skies above were bold and dream-like as the 217 members of the Canton High School Class of 2017 marked the end of their high school journeys in an emotional and reflective commencement ceremony on the […]

School Committee approves assistant supt. position

The Canton School Committee met last Thursday, May 18, to approve a new but temporary assistant superintendent of special projects position. The school operating budget for the next fiscal year (FY18), approved at the May town meeting, included funding for a new director of elementary curriculum and instruction. However, School Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Fischer-Mueller said […]

Canton High School Rain Barrel Project

Students in Michelle Mendez’s drawing and painting class at Canton High School are creating beautiful artwork — on rain barrels! Thanks to a partnership between Canton High School and the Neponset River Watershed Association, and a grant from the Canton Cultural Council, Ms. Mendez’s students have an opportunity to mix art with water conservation. The […]

Town-wide fundraiser for Madi a big success

On Friday, April 7, the Hansen Elementary School teachers, spearheaded by physical education teacher Andrea Moore, held a town-wide fundraising event for Madi Bergstrom and her family. A second grader at the Hansen, Madi has been undergoing treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. This is the third time she is battling this cancer. Over 260 students from […]

School Committee seeks public input on FY18 budget

The Canton School Committee remains undecided on the level of operating funds to pursue for fiscal year 2018 and is looking for public input at its upcoming budget hearing. The hearing is set for tonight, April 13, at 7 p.m. in the CHS Learning Distance Lab, and school officials will need to decide whether to […]

Public input sought for future school space needs

Canton school leaders have begun studying in earnest the findings of a private architectural firm that was hired to examine current and future school building needs, and the project has advanced to the public input phase. Representatives from Dore & Whittier Architects will present its latest findings to the public on Wednesday, April 5, at […]

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