Category archives for: Schools

Class of 2024 completes journey at Blue Hills

Superintendent Jill Rossetti and Principal Geoffrey Zini are pleased to announce the graduation of 221 students from Blue Hills Regional Technical School in Canton. The graduation ceremony took place June 4 on a beautiful sunny evening on the school’s turf field. “We are extremely proud of our graduates,” Zini told the assembled crowd. “This class […]

School Dept. seeks independent review of finances

The Canton School Committee plans to call a special Zoom meeting on June 26 to authorize the new director of finance and operations to begin the procurement process for a comprehensive, independent review of the School Department’s finances. At their meeting last Thursday, June 6, committee members voiced concern about the factors that led to […]

CHS bids farewell to ‘unique’ Class of 2024

A journey that began in isolation in the midst of a global pandemic culminated on Saturday in a “sea of green” as the 205 members of the Canton High School Class of 2024 came together on the CHS turf field to receive their diplomas. For CHS Principal Jeff Sperling, seeing them all together in their […]

Canton taps Consigli Construction to lead GMS rebuild

Canton Public Schools has selected Consigli Construction Company, Inc. of Milford to build the town’s new Galvin Middle School, pending contract negotiations. Consigli will join design firm Ai3 Architects and LeftField Project Management to work with the Canton community on this multi-million-dollar building project. “We held interviews over the course of two days with six […]

Assistant Supt. accepts top job in Cohasset

A search is underway to find Canton Public Schools’ new second in command following the news that Sarah Shannon, assistant superintendent for teaching and learning, is leaving at the end of June to become the superintendent in the Cohasset school system. Canton Superintendent Derek Folan made the announcement at the beginning of last Thursday’s School […]

New financing plan to aid museum, town operations

The Select Board is now considering whether to support a May town meeting article that could change the financing of the bond obligation for the town-owned Paul Revere Heritage Park. If approved by town meeting voters, the plan would help fund the construction of the Paul Revere Museum of Discovery and Innovation, which will be […]

CHS students honored for art & writing excellence

By Darcie Fisher The Canton High School Visual Arts Department is pleased to announce that six students have been recognized with Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. Founded in 1923, the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards are the longest running awards competition in the country for creative teens. In the art categories, Hannah Isaac was recognized […]

Boyden tops ballot, Loughran reelected in ’24 election

In one of the most hotly contested and closely followed town elections in recent memory, political newcomer Patricia “Trish” Boyden sailed to a victory in the Select Board race — scoring herself that coveted “seat at the table” that she had referenced throughout her campaign. Clearly popular with voters, Boyden would go on to top […]

Officials approve pared-down FY25 school budget

The Canton School Committee voted last week to approve a much smaller school budget for FY25 than previously planned, slashing proposed new spending after receiving a lower-than-expected revenue target from the Finance Committee. That target figure, which is just north of $56 million, represents an increase of 4.76 percent over the current year’s budget. By […]

CHS teacher’s painting selected for national exhibit

A watercolor painting by Canton High School visual arts teacher Stephen Gaul is being recognized at the national level by the Art of Education University (AOEU) at their inaugural exhibit, “Palette Perspectives.” Gaul’s painting, titled “Dragonfly,” will be on display at the National Art Education Association’s national convention in Minneapolis next month. “I created this […]

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