MusicCounts! and the Canton Performing Arts Department is proud to announce the return of Cantonstock, Canton’s own music festival, on Sunday, October 21, from 12-4 p.m. at Canton High School. Cantonstock is the major fundraiser for the Performing Arts Department and Canton’s music booster organization MusicCounts! Thanks to the generosity of MusicCounts!, all after-school music […]
Oct 3 2012 | Posted in
Schools | By
Canton Citizen
The Canton School Committee, pleased with the performance of Superintendent Jeff Granatino, has extended his contract for another three years until 2015. The committee did not formally announce the news at its meeting last Thursday; however, Granatino, speaking after the meeting, said the extension was finalized in a recent executive session. The decision to extend […]
Sep 27 2012 | Posted in
Schools | By
Mike Berger
Yoga pants and Saturday morning detention were among the hot topics during a discussion of the revised Galvin Middle School family handbook at last week’s School Committee meeting on Thursday, September 6. The presentation was led by GMS Principal Dr. Bill Conard and assistant principal Meredith Carey, who has worked for several months on updating […]
Sep 13 2012 | Posted in
Schools | By
Mike Berger
Boston magazine named Canton High School as one of the best public high schools in Massachusetts in its September 2012 issue, ranking number 45 out of the top 50. Boston magazine crunched the numbers in an exclusive ranking of the 50 best public high schools within the greater Boston area, all 230 of them. Rankings were based […]
Sep 13 2012 | Posted in
Schools | By
Canton Citizen
In anticipation of the start of school this week, the Canton School Committee invited each of the school principals to its meeting last Thursday, August 30, to provide an overview of their school improvement plans for the 2012-2013 year. The one exception was new CHS Principal Derek Folan, who began July 1 and was therefore […]
Sep 6 2012 | Posted in
Schools | By
Mike Berger
When he was young, Derek Folan worked in his parents’ restaurant — doing every job from sweeping floors to clearing tables. Canton High School’s new principal said this week the experience taught him more than how to run a successful business. “They took care of their customers,” said Folan. “They took the time to invest […]
Aug 23 2012 | Posted in
Schools | By
Mary Ann Price
Four selectmen and three School Committee members met Tuesday night and selected former Finance Committee Chairman Dave Emhardt and environmental consultant Robert Golledge to fill the remaining terms of School Committee members Liz Salisbury and Jill Stevens, who recently resigned for personal and business reasons. Both positions will be up for election in the spring […]
Parents of Canton schoolchildren who plan to send in snacks and treats for classroom parties will be limited in their choices as a result of new state-mandated nutrition standards that are set to take effect this year. All schools are in the process of implementing the new standards, and the state departments of education and […]
Aug 1 2012 | Posted in
Schools | By
Mike Berger
When the Board of Selectmen and the School Committee jointly meet on Tuesday, July 24, they will be reviewing applicants for two vacant School Committee seats. Within weeks of the resignation of committee member Liz Salisbury, whose family has relocated to Pittsburgh, committee member Jill Stevens notified the committee of her plans to resign for […]
Jul 19 2012 | Posted in
Schools | By
Mike Berger
The Lawrence M. Walsh playground, named for a former principal, was a community project when it was built at the Hansen School in 1988. Parents and other volunteers spent a weekend working together to create a new recreational area at the school that incorporated students’ ideas. Fast forward to 2012 and the Walsh playground is […]
Jul 19 2012 | Posted in
Schools | By
Mary Ann Price