Category archives for: Schools

Canton teachers STEAMing up good ideas for ed.

The final bell for the school year has been delayed for a group of Canton teachers. This past week they attended a three-day STEAM workshop to help prepare Canton students for future employment. STEAM (formerly STEM) is an acronym for science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. It is these fields that are projected to have […]

GMS couple Paul and Julie DuCott retire together

Paul and Julie DuCott have both worked in professions in which they gave of themselves to others — Paul as a guidance counselor and Julie as a school nurse. It’s a happy coincidence that they worked together at the Galvin Middle School. In addition to working with students, the DuCotts have opened their home to […]

Blue Hills Regional holds commencement exercises for class of 2012

Although 200 members of the class of 2012 at Blue Hills Regional Technical School in Canton were the stars of last Tuesday’s graduation exercises, it was a member of the class who graduated almost 30 years ago who nearly stole the show. Randolph native Scott D. Tingle ’83, a commander in the U.S. Navy, returned […]

Teachers accept contract; CAPE could dissolve

Monday’s School Committee meeting provided two major news items: the Canton Teachers Association formally accepted a three-year contract offer from the School Committee, and the Canton Alliance for Public Education (CAPE), which provides grants to support innovative teaching practices and programs, announced it would dissolve at this time next year unless the group can find […]

School board to appoint new member to fill vacancy

The School Committee and Board of Selectmen will make a joint selection to fill the unexpired term of School Committee member Liz Salisbury, who informed the committee on June 12 that she will resign from her position. Salisbury’s family is relocating to the Pittsburgh area because her husband, Dean, has found a new position there. […]

Longtime teacher, trainer Dick Staiti retires from CHS

Canton High School science department chair Richard Staiti is retiring from not just one job, but two. In addition to his teaching position, Staiti has been the athletic trainer at the school for many years. He is a certified emergency medical technician (EMT), and many faculty members greet him as “Doc” when he walks down […]

Canton High School graduates class of 2012

It wasn’t on the lush, green turf of Memorial Field as many had hoped for, but it was every bit as special and heartfelt, as the 213 members of the Canton High School class of 2012 bid farewell — but not goodbye — to their school, community, and each other in a moving commencement ceremony […]

CHS Alumni Assoc. working on new directory

Our alumni change emails, jobs, and locations, often making it hard to keep up with them. We have contracted with Harris Connect to update contact information for our alumni so that they can keep up to date on news, activities, and events. Harris will also help produce a beautiful hardcover publication, Canton High School Alumni […]

Supt. receives high marks on 2-year evaluation

School Committee Chairman John Bonnanzio gave a glowing evaluation of Superintendent Jeff Granatino and offered to extend his contract after reading a summary of committee members’ opinions of the superintendent’s performance during his first two years in Canton. The committee will formally approve the superintendent’s evaluation at the next committee meeting on June 12 and […]

CHS students garner 4 awards at Hock Film Fest

By Ben Wiseman It was a big weekend for Canton High School’s student filmmakers as four CHS entries were honored at the Hockomock Film Festival’s annual award ceremony, held on May 12 at Stonehill College. Placing first in the Public Service Announcements category was Ben Wiseman for his “Dance Don’t Chance” PSA. CHS senior Zach […]

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