Category archives for: Schools

Sixth annual CAPE Spelling Bee a big success

A packed audience buzzed with excitement at the Canton Alliance for Public Education’s sixth annual Spelling Bee, held last Friday evening in the Canton High School auditorium. Participants of all ages beamed with pride as family members snapped their pictures and cheered their spellers on to potential victory. Proceeds from the event are channeled into […]

Boucher named permanent Hansen school principal

A round of applause by audience members, including administrators and school principals, followed the announcement by School Superintendent Jeff Granatino on January 19 that Peter Boucher has been appointed the new permanent principal of the Hansen Elementary School. Boucher, who previously served as the district’s wellness coordinator, took over in the role of interim principal […]

Schools need more revenue to maintain services

School Superintendent Jeff Granatino informed the School Committee last week that just to maintain current staffing levels and all school programs for the next school year, the FY13 school budget would need an additional amount of $934,861. The actual budget limit will be set in mid to late January by the town’s revenue committee, which […]

School board: extracurricular panel key to next budget

School Committee member Reuki Schutt said the work being done by the Extracurricular Subcommittee is very important because it may help the committee with its operational budget for the upcoming school year, especially with “more drastic cuts” potentially on the horizon. On Thursday, December 15, the committee heard a midpoint report from the subcommittee, which […]

School Committee OKs tougher hazing policy

The School Committee last week approved a new, tougher version of its hazing policy, which now stipulates that any group renting or using a school facility must sign a form acknowledging that they understand the hazing policy and will be held accountable for any violation. This includes any recreational group using the gym or any […]

BHRTS accepting apps for construction projects

Blue Hills Regional Technical School is accepting applications for house construction or large addition projects for the next school year. Residents or land owners within the nine district towns are eligible to submit applications no later than January 15, 2012. Applicants must be a resident or land owner for a minimum of five years in […]

School super to convene group to review start times

After Thanksgiving, School Superintendent Jeff Granatino plans to bring together a 14-member advisory committee made up of staff, parents, and students to discuss whether school start times should be changed next year. The move is being considered to improve academic performance by allowing students more time for sleep. Granatino said if the time is changed […]

CHS AD outlines coaching changes, new hoops hires

The School Committee last week heard a proposal by CHS Athletic Director Danny Erickson to consolidate the coaching staffs of the boys’ and girls’ winter and spring track teams to include one head coach responsible for both teams with three assistant coaches. The current coaching configuration consists of a head coach and two assistants per […]

CHS drama to present ‘Once Upon a Mattress’

The Canton High School drama club will proudly present Once Upon a Mattress, a musical comedy based on Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Princess and the Pea,” on Friday and Saturday, November 18 and 19, at 7 p.m. in the CHS Morse Auditorium. Members of the Canton High School band will perform in the pit orchestra […]

School Committee, CTA settle contract

The School Committee announced on October 20 that after a long impasse, it has reached an agreement with the Canton Teachers Association on a one-year contract. The contract covers the current school year and will expire on August 31, 2012. The contract calls for no salary increases or cost of living adjustments (COLA), and in […]

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