Category archives for: Schools

Luce playground almost ready for community build

Eileen Chaput of the Luce School CAPT informed selectmen Tuesday night that private fundraising for a new playground is almost complete and a community build could commence this summer. Once completed, it will be transferred to the town and made available to the entire community. The CAPT has raised nearly $32,000 since September 2010, and […]

Schools nix performance contracting plan

Despite reservations from FinCom members, town meeting voters at last Wednesday’s second session authorized a $1.5 million loan to finance a new, more efficient heating system for the Rodman Educational Center. This latest proposal came as a bit of a surprise considering that the School Committee’s stated plan — and the one that had appeared […]

Schools bullish on performance contracting, solar

Following budget deliberations last week, the School Committee heard a presentation from Johnson Controls on the status of a “performance contracting” plan that would allow the schools to replace the entire heating system in the Rodman building — a $2.2 million project — and pay relatively little upfront. The project, deemed critical by school business […]

School Committee balances FY12 budget

Already drained from the previous two weeks of budget deliberations, the five members of the Canton School Committee donned a brave face and slogged through their final round of cuts last week, eliminating the equivalent of three full-time teachers to help close a projected $1.5 million deficit in the 2012 operating budget. Saving the toughest […]

School Committee approves over 500K in cuts, fee hikes

Saddled with a total budget deficit of $1.57 million and with just over $920,000 left to cut, the Canton School Committee plodded through its list of suggested reductions over three-plus hours last week, managing to trim another $573,000 but leaving the most painful decisions for tonight’s meeting, which starts at 7 in the CHS distance […]

10th annual Luce Fun Run set for May 1

For the tenth year, the Dean S. Luce School will sponsor its annual Fun Run on May 1. The event includes two fun runs and a 5K race, which all start from the Luce School at 45 Independence Street. The day’s events kick off at 10 a.m. with a half-mile fun run on a course […]

School Committee adds bus fee to help offset deficit

Parents of elementary school children who live less than two miles from their school can expect a $180 bus fee for the next school year as School Committee members began dealing with a $1.39 million budget deficit for the upcoming fiscal year. The new fee, which amounts to $1 per school day, will be charged […]

School Committee notes from March 31 meeting

• School Superintendent Jeff Granatino announced that Kimberly Sefrino will be the new Kennedy School principal, effective July 1. Sefrino will replace Jan Chamberlain, who is serving as interim principal this year after previous JFK Principal Jennifer Henderson was named the district’s director of curriculum and instruction. Sefrino has been a teacher and principal in […]

CHS drama club presents ‘Harvey’

The Canton High School drama club delivered two impressive performances of Harvey (1944), the Pulitzer Prize-winning play by Mary Chase, on Friday and Saturday, March 25 and 26. Later adapted into a popular film starring Jimmy Stewart, Harvey tells the story of Elwood P. Dowd and his imaginary best friend: a six-foot, three-and-a-half-inch tall rabbit. […]

School Committee: Budget cuts for real this time

Faced with a structural deficit and fresh out of one-time revenue sources to help soften the blow, members of the Canton School Committee delivered a painful warning to the community last week in what they hoped were crystal-clear terms: Budget cuts are coming, and this time, they will be unavoidable. While cuts have been a […]

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