Category archives for: Schools

Cunningham’s Kids team up to fight ALS

Former students of beloved Hansen teacher Cheryl Cunningham were out in full force on Monday at the inaugural “Cunningham’s Kids RUNdraiser” to benefit Mrs. Cunningham’s husband, Mike, who was recently diagnosed with ALS. Also known

School Supt. offers mixed review of early bus returns

The same transportation problems plaguing the Canton school district at the start of the last school year resurfaced this year as parents complained of late arrivals; some middle school students having problems finding seats; and some students spending an hour on the bus before arriving home in the afternoon. While School Superintendent Derek Folan estimated […]

CHS receives high ranking in national publication

In its just-released rankings of the best high schools in Massachusetts, U.S. News &World Report named Canton High School the 56th best of 437 high schools, and 45th among high schools in the metro Boston area. The magazine notes that 60 percent of CHS students take Advanced Placement (AP) classes and 96 percent of students […]

GMS visioning sessions set for Sept. 6 & 11

The first public forum to gain public input into the planned renovation of the Galvin Middle School will get underway next month. In collaboration with the design firm and project manager, Ai3 Architects and LeftField, the Canton Public Schools have scheduled two educational visioning sessions on Wednesday, September 6, and Monday, September 11, from 4-7 […]

School leaders announce design firm for GMS project

Superintendent of Schools Derek Folan is pleased to announce that Ai3 Architects has been selected as the design firm for the Galvin Middle School project. Ai3 will work in conjunction with LeftField Project Management and the Canton community. “Selecting Ai3 marks a milestone in the Feasibility Stage of this process, as prescribed by the Massachusetts […]

Class of 2023 graduates from Blue Hills Regional

Superintendent-Director Jill Rossetti would like to congratulate the Class of 2023 upon their graduation from Blue Hills Regional Technical School in Canton last week. The ceremony was held on Tuesday evening, June 6, on the school’s athletic field in front of friends, family, school administrators, and special guests. The ceremony began with the Pledge of […]

School Comm. approves central office restructuring

The Canton School Committee gave the go-ahead at its June 8 meeting for Superintendent Derek Folan to hire a district personnel coordinator and also restructure the central staff administration. Folan said there will be no budgetary impacts and there could potentially even be some savings. Folan tabbed former Technology Director Julie Shore as the new […]

Canton High students team up for Relay for Life

A team of Canton High School students from Ed Amico’s career planning class had a night to remember as participants in the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life of Charles River held May 20-21 at Newman Elementary School in Needham. The CHS team, co-captained by juniors Mercia Kolokithas and Abby Silvasy, raised over $9,000 — […]

Canton student named Letters About Literature honoree

The Massachusetts Center for the Book (MCB) is pleased to recognize Avery Condon of Canton as one of this year’s honorees in the Letters About Literature (LAL) program. This commonwealth-wide reading and writing initiative invites students from grades 4-12 to write letters to authors about the books that have had special meaning to them. A […]

Supt. announces new Hansen School principal

Superintendent of Schools Derek Folan is pleased to announce that Paul McKnight has been selected as the new principal of the Hansen Elementary School. McKnight will begin his new position on July 1. He was selected following a comprehensive search and interview process that included multiple rounds of engagement with all stakeholders, including Hansen staff, […]

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